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[TTT]Defibrilator unit
But this will break the gameplay. People will intentionally suicide then spectate to find the traitors and spawn again to kill the traitors.
If anything, the defibulator should belong to the traitors only.
--- Quote from: Alkaline on July 13, 2013, 08:25:32 AM ---But this will break the gameplay. People will intentionally suicide then spectate to find the traitors and spawn again to kill the traitors.
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Didnt think about that. That would be horribly gamebreaking.
--- Quote from: Alkaline on July 13, 2013, 08:25:32 AM ---But this will break the gameplay. People will intentionally suicide then spectate to find the traitors and spawn again to kill the traitors.
--- End quote ---
I'm not quite getting it. Can you explain please?
--- Quote from: Soviet blah2355 on July 13, 2013, 02:52:49 PM ---I'm not quite getting it. Can you explain please?
--- End quote ---
He means that an innocent can just kill himself,find out who the Traitor is in spectator,then get revived by the detective and kill the T
But this wouldn't really be the case if it was a Traitor only weapon...
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