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Israel threatens Russia from shipping weapons

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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: CodeKyuubi on May 30, 2013, 02:19:42 PM ---Well, Israel believes they have the right to occupy the land because they were the victims, they were attacked, and they won. The Arab nations lost, and they had to cede land as part of the various peace treaties. It's kind of like when various Axis nations in World War I were separated into different nations after they lost.

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Even if they did get land from winning the Six Day War, that doesn't give them the right to inch in closer on Palestinian territory. Also, the Treaty of Versailles isn't the best thing to reference because it's one of the main reasons that World War II even happened.

The obstinacy of France (and the Allies) in refusing to forgive Germany's massive debts, which caused hyperinflation and extreme poverty in Germany's economy, was the major factor of Hitler's rise to power, not just taking a strip of land from Germany.

Also, Israel probably took every single time the Arab nations and Palestinians attacked the country to take more and more land. There's been like, what, 8 wars in the region involving Israel alone?


--- Quote from: CodeKyuubi on May 30, 2013, 03:31:27 PM ---The obstinacy of France (and the Allies) in refusing to forgive Germany's massive debts, which caused hyperinflation and extreme poverty in Germany's economy, was the major factor of Hitler's rise to power, not just taking a strip of land from Germany.

Also, Israel probably took every single time the Arab nations and Palestinians attacked the country to take more and more land. There's been like, what, 8 wars in the region involving Israel alone?

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I know Israel wants to shoot up the Giza Strip but what about the West Bank? I watched something on Vice and it shows that land was being stolen and homes were being built on Palestinian land.


--- Quote from: Prox on May 30, 2013, 01:08:20 PM ---Israel was created in a territory that belonged to Muslims and they didn't agreed The Partition Plan in the first place.I think we could agree that mistakes were made by both sides and should talk about what is going on right now instead of what already happened.

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The Muslims that lived there were mostly - if not all - nomads. The ones that did have properties and lands, many of them were bought by rich Jewish people like the baron Rothschild.
Another thing, the land wasn't declared as a country or as a land that belongs to a certain group (I'm pretty sure I'm right about the latter, but not 100%). The Muslims that lived in Israel still live in Israel. Palestinians are also supported by Israel with water and electricity, medication (when they can), etc.
The terrorists in Gaza are one of the main reasons why there are still problems. If there will be a palestinian country, it will be a lot easier for the arab countries surrounding it to destroy it (unless Iran manages to nuke it first).

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--- Quote from: Prox on May 29, 2013, 04:32:30 AM ---Israel is mad because they won't be able to bomb Syria anymore. How cute.

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--- Quote from: Prox on May 29, 2013, 11:20:03 AM ---Please be joking...
There is no justification for Israel's recent air strikes on Palestine, it was a completely unprovoked attacks, in fact it was Israel who wanted to take the Palestine and send those people who had already lived there somewhere else just because this was a "promised land" to Israel, which was the start of this conflict. And, seriously, the only reason I can think of why Israel doesn't want those SAMs be put in Syria is because they want to be able to do more air strikes in the future. And please, don't make Israel look like it's the innocent sheep here, it really isn't.

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--- Quote from: Prox on May 29, 2013, 12:23:23 PM ---Nuclear weapons? The Israel is the only country in that region who has a nuclear weapon, Syria does not have a nuclear weapon and even if they do, what difference do the SAMs make?
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Israel responded to the world only after Syria announced that it got attacked by Israel. If there was really a weapon shipment that they were destroying then why didn't they said it right after the attack?
Israel was the one who wanted Palestine, not the other way around.

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--- Quote from: Prox on May 30, 2013, 04:48:40 AM ---That's because Israel basically wanted to kick out all Muslims out of the Palestine area and surrounding areas are mostly Muslims so it's not a big surprise. The only reason why Israel would be able to put up a hell of a fight is because of the US financial and military support otherwise Russians would crush Israel but if this were to happen then we would probably have a 3rd world war and this wouldn't be Russia's or Syria's fault.
Considering the recent attacks done by Israel they obviously don't want Palestine to retaliate or even have a way to defend them selves. Also don't forget that they would only be able to knock out Israels jets only if they violate their air space, besides, I'm pretty sure Russians are going to be in control of those missiles anyway.

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--- Quote from: Prox on May 30, 2013, 09:46:29 AM ---Well, you can't blame Palestinians for not wanting to leave their home.

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--- Quote from: Prox on May 30, 2013, 01:08:20 PM ---Israel was created in a territory that belonged to Muslims and they didn't agreed The Partition Plan in the first place.I think we could agree that mistakes were made by both sides and should talk about what is going on right now instead of what already happened.

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[citation needed]


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