1. Player's SteamID- Flareon X9 (STEAM_0:0:50782896)
- Zomow (STEAM_0:1:38974186)
- GodHatesBlacks (STEAM_0:0:22221703)
- Paco the Taco (STEAM_0:1:41114271)
- Papa Strip Pole (STEAM_0:0:3920438)
2. Players Nickname- Flareon X9
- Zomow
- GodHatesBlacks
- Paco the Taco
- Papa Strip Pole
3. Your in-game name- .:~RND`=-BJ_Cumstain-=
4. Server name- Trouble in terrorist town
5. Description of the event(s)- The server was going well and repopulating, we were all having a good time playing some TTT when 5 guys with very low karma join. We all had suspicion rdm to come but not to the extent of what occured. Obvious Ghosting and teaming and of course major RDM.
6. Reason for ban- Teaming/Ghosting/RDMing
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)