MFW hardly anything gets done because the "democratic process" takes so fucking long.
That's why we dont do that shit here. What if some country attacks you? How long will it take your people to get off their asses to go vote for war. Probably longer than it would take us.
Hardly anything gets done? I think not.
We always have set dates for votings which are quite quick, and I haven't experienced us being delayed in any decisions before. It's a good thing, since it's neither done by one special group nor one man. Sure, we have parties and all that on the lead; but due to them being limited in their decisions they can't just go ahead and do shit.
About the being-attacked thing - well, first of all, it would be VERY unlikely that someone would attack a country that is neutral since 200 years, but in case of war, we have a pre-elected general to lead the Swiss Army. That General is always elected, he just doesn't do anything until we're at war. BUT, as I said, we are a neutral country. We don't do wars.
tl;dr in case of war, around 2 million soldiers get called into the army, a general leads them, our defences are prepared within a few days.