That's true but Aren't all game modes in g mod (majority wise) empty in 4 months I mean even the ttt has been dead lately I think a new server would be pretty cool but at the same time would cost some work to do. And pretty much die out so in a way I sort of agree I guess
I really don't think putting up a parkour server would really be worth it at all. I recall parkour being slightly popular when it first came out, would have people playing on it because there was only really one server for it. Then even that died down pretty quick from what I remember. And I don't think Marie means be popular until 4 month's time at which point it would die. I'm pretty sure she means that it would have people playing for the first very short period of time and then be empty for four months before it gets taken down. Basically I would have to say that's a reasonable assumption. Same thing that happened with Flood for the most part when it was brought back.
And with everyone thinking it should have a shop as well, that's a hell of a lot of work for something that probably won't last.