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Pushups getting harder... wat

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Okay, so I'm able to bench about 140lb - 160lb, I do 200 - 300 pushups(SPLIT INTO SETS OF 20 -_-) every second day(I rest as I'm told to), I eat the protein, drink the water, eat the healthiness... I was able to do a set of 40 pushups about 2 weeks ago, now It's near hell just to do 20 - 25. My arm muscles hardly have any flab, they're hard enough that my friend's hand hurt after punching them... Is this because of muscle mass adding weight? I've looked around on google for a while seeing why this is happening and can't find the reason. I know I'm well hydrated and healthy, but it's strange. I'm able to carry my 170lb friend on my back without that much trouble, I bench 140lb - 160lb, yet pushups are killing me? I know different positions tend to make it harder but I've been doing the same one for a while(shoulder length apart). Is it because I don't train my biceps as much as triceps? Compared to my triceps, my biceps are pretty small. Is that what's wrong, or is it something different?

Maybe your not giving yourself enough time in between workout sessions. So your muscles are not givin enough time to recover  :sleep:   8)


--- Quote from: BJ_Cumstain on May 01, 2013, 06:21:25 PM ---Maybe your not giving yourself enough time in between workout sessions. So your muscles are not givin enough time to recover  :sleep:   8)

--- End quote ---
Could definitely be that. Had that problem when I first started working out more around last summer. Stress and lack of sleep could also be a big contribution, and of course energy/eating but you say you're eating healthy so probably not.

Monorail Cat:
You are able to do 10 more than me right now.  You should be proud!

As said before, you should only do a few days of workout with the same muscle group(s) and then rest those muscles for a day or two. It doesn't help if you keep working out day after day continuously and should give muscles time to heal.


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