Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

This Cactus VIP Application 4/30/13

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Monorail Cat:
I fully believe that he is ready for VIP.  He's been with the community for quite some time, and whenever I play with him, he acts just fine.  I totally  :thumbsup: him.

Negative Nancy incoming.

I'm really on the fence with Cactus.

I know he knows the rules, he even tries to help enforce them when they are needed to be enforced.

But the same repeating problem occurs with his voice. "I changed into speaking with my real voice and removed more of that voice" From what I played with him a few days ago. Sounds the same to me. And I've heard his real voice before. (Only once though, while back.) So I know it isn't changed.

I don't have a problem with his voiceSpoiler (click to show/hide)(well that's not true, even once and awhile he can over do it where even I have to mute him.), but many new comers usually do have a problem with it, even last week someone RDMed him cause he was being annoying they said. As I said before it's not Cactus' felt for the RDM. But people aren't going to take him seriously with that voice except already established members of the community I imagine.

My opinion is pretty much unchanged from last time.


Honestly, would be an auto +1  if he just stopped using that voice he tends to do.

Alright, so I've known Cactus for a some time now, and he has always been helpful and friendly. He knows all the rules and helps to enforce them by warning troublemakers. It is true that people target rdm him because of his voice. But I am still confused on if the voice he uses is his natural voice, or he is using a voice changer, or if he is intentionally making his voice higher, idk it's just confusing. The target rdm against him is definitely not his fault, but I agree with Hideo, it's better to not cause a problem in the first place (unless that's actually his natural voice).

Nevertheless, his friendly and willing-to-help personality fits the VIP position, so I'm going to give him a +1

He has every characteristic needed for a VIP the only thing that's been getting in his way is probably his voice and his playfulness in-game. I think it's really unfair that everything he has been doing good for the servers is being cloaked by his voice.


--- Quote from: Prox on May 08, 2013, 05:34:21 AM ---He has every characteristic needed for a VIP the only thing that's been getting in his way is probably his voice and his playfulness in-game. I think it's really unfair that everything he has been doing good for the servers is being cloaked by his voice.

--- End quote ---
Some people are bothered by how obnoxious it is, there's nothing wrong with that. He chooses to talk that way I hope you realize that.


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