Author Topic: this sucks (hardware failure)  (Read 255 times)

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this sucks (hardware failure)
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:31:40 AM »
My cx600 corsair just died after only 2months of use.
I was using it with my radeon hd 7970 which has a minimum requiiement of 500watts.
Not sure if I should trry doing an rma or finding a better one§ instead. Living halfway across the world frmo all major pc tech sellers itshhardto do anything.
For now its back to faithful generic 300watt psu and my partner in crime rd hd 5570. Unfortunately they just cant make the cut for what I do.

For any doubters out there IT is most definantly dead. I tried doing multiple versions of the paperclip test.
Im using a tablet to witr this and my bluetooth keyboad is out of batteries so lots of spelling mistakrs n stuff.

Share your thoughts if any as well as any other hardware failures and what youve done about them.

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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 12:22:30 PM »
Dead computer.
Turned it into a high powered laser that is is now in the dump.
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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2013, 12:53:41 PM »
Gah, I've always hated it when my PSU's fail on me. I had a reary nice Apevia 500w that managed to shit out, so I had to remove my radeon 6850 (sadness), switch to my backup 300w and run everything off of onboard gpu until I bought a new one.

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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2013, 12:55:21 PM »
When I was playing starcraft 2 my old power supply I think it was 400 wats blew out but now I have a new one

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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2013, 05:27:17 PM »
My cx600 corsair just died after only 2months of use.
I was using it with my radeon hd 7970 which has a minimum requiiement of 500watts.
Not sure if I should trry doing an rma or finding a better one§ instead. Living halfway across the world frmo all major pc tech sellers itshhardto do anything.
For now its back to faithful generic 300watt psu and my partner in crime rd hd 5570. Unfortunately they just cant make the cut for what I do.

For any doubters out there IT is most definantly dead. I tried doing multiple versions of the paperclip test.
Im using a tablet to witr this and my bluetooth keyboad is out of batteries so lots of spelling mistakrs n stuff.

Share your thoughts if any as well as any other hardware failures and what youve done about them.
I had the same problem with my CX500 that died in a month, I just bought a new power supply NOT the CX series, a new power supply all together.

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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2013, 01:59:28 PM »
RMA it, corsair is very good about warranty stuff. I RMA'd two sticks of ram I got 5 years ago, sent me two new ones no questions asked.

They just sent me a package label, and I boxed it up and sent it out.

Might be a bit different since your overseas, but fairly certain they would work with you on it.
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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2013, 03:18:37 PM »
In my old compaq computer I use to have. It's 250w power supply (OEM) worked perfectly for 7 years without any dusting and it was only starting to fail when I bought my new one. It was powering a nVidia 6500gt and then a 6800xt

In my current computer, It came with a 300w OEM PSU. It still worked when I replaced it.

I'm using a Rocketfish 500w to power a GTX 460 atm and it has been running strong for about 4 years now. Rocketfish is basically a more expensive and prettier Dynex which are both BestBuy brands. Surprisingly very good.

If my current PSU fails I still have my old Radeon 5450 and 300w OEM PSU that hopefully still work.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 03:20:40 PM by Supertoaster »

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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2013, 03:30:32 PM »
RMA it of course, unless shipping it back costs more than a new one, which is unlikely for a PSU.
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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2013, 05:00:37 PM »
Well I talked to coolz over ts3  about my specs and he said a cx600 wasn't enough to power everything I had.
The thing with the US is they don't ship overseas so the only way I could get an rma is to actually go there myself.
so I found an hx650 instead.
luckily the jp amazon store had corsair poducts which was amazing since they usually never have good pc products here.

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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2013, 05:44:10 PM »
Well I talked to coolz over ts3  about my specs and he said a cx600 wasn't enough to power everything I had.
The thing with the US is they don't ship overseas so the only way I could get an rma is to actually go there myself.
so I found an hx650 instead.
luckily the jp amazon store had corsair poducts which was amazing since they usually never have good pc products here.

I am pretty much "Overseas" as far as the rest of the US is concerned, and they didn't charge me anything for shipping.

Try going through the RMA process, its pretty simple. They have RMA depots in China, and Korea, so no need to go back the the US.

I have:
- high end workstation graphics card (V7900)
- 95W CPU (Q9450)
- about the most power hungry Northbridge in existence (780I SLI)
- 4 HDD's
- 5 fans
- wifi card
- sound card

And it all runs just fine on my 650W PC power cooling PSU.

Unless you are running 2-3 680 GTX's in the same machine, or a Dual Proc Mobo your 600CX with its 600W should be plenty for what you have.

Generally the only reason you buy something like a 700-1000W+ PSU is either you have multiple graphics cards, or you want the higher efficiency these generally give.

Ay any rate, even if you do get a new supply, I'd still look into RMAing the old one as a backup, or to sell it.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 06:06:59 PM by Xrain »
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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2013, 07:57:16 PM »
That sounds like a completely different story from what I was told.
Here "were" my stats:

Windows  7
AMD Phenom(tm) 2 X4 830 Processor 2.80GHz
16gb RAM
CX600 Corsair
Radeon HD 7970 1gb core clocked to 1000 MHz (which says needs a power requirement of 550 watts)
Sound Card
750gb HDD

I was thinking about just salvaging the fan and discarding the rest.
I really needed the power supply on short notice to keep using the 7970 to finish my schoolwork

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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2013, 10:38:43 PM »
That sounds like a completely different story from what I was told.
Here "were" my stats:

Windows  7
AMD Phenom(tm) 2 X4 830 Processor 2.80GHz
16gb RAM
CX600 Corsair
Radeon HD 7970 1gb core clocked to 1000 MHz (which says needs a power requirement of 550 watts)
Sound Card
750gb HDD

I was thinking about just salvaging the fan and discarding the rest.
I really needed the power supply on short notice to keep using the 7970 to finish my schoolwork

I would seriously just RMA it instead and sell if for $40 or so on ebay, or keep it as a spare. (That is unless the shipping actually ends up being prohibitive, it will tell you it after you enter your address in the RMA form.)

That 550W number you have isn't how much power it consumes, that is what size of power supply they recommend for your whole system. My GTX 470 that i ran before my workstation card draws more power than the 7970, and my power-supply powered it just fine.

Anything over 450W should be capable of powering your system, but I would recommend 550W to give you some overhead, so 600-650W should be more than plenty.

Here are some comparisons of system power draws
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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2013, 10:02:39 PM »
Ok I got my 650 and now the fan doesn't seem to want to move.
I get that it has a system where it will only move at higher loads but I've tried running both bad company 2 and Crysis at the same time and nothing gives. Right now its running at 54C according to speedfan.
I don't know how this program works exactly but It might be faulty since it says more than half the fans are running at 0RPM.

I was not running anything else except chrome

heres while running bc2
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 10:08:26 PM by jimonions »

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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2013, 10:51:28 PM »
Ok I got my 650 and now the fan doesn't seem to want to move.
I get that it has a system where it will only move at higher loads but I've tried running both bad company 2 and Crysis at the same time and nothing gives. Right now its running at 54C according to speedfan.
I don't know how this program works exactly but It might be faulty since it says more than half the fans are running at 0RPM.

I was not running anything else except chrome

heres while running bc2

Did you actually connect those fans to the sysfan connectors on the motherboard, or are they connected to the PSU.

54C is around a normal operating temperature for a GPU, if it gets over 90C then you might start worrying.
" I don't take square roots, I make them. Then I set them out to cool after I baked them for 40 minutes."
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Re: this sucks (hardware failure)
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2013, 11:45:20 PM »
Everything is connected to the psu as far as I can tell.

fan 2 seems to be the one that never goes below 55 even at idle but I cannot tell which fan is which.

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