Well, how to start this...
If you get other admins to convince me after what i have to say i'll change the way how i ban.
I'm not against your way to ban people, but lets talk about.
I don't always permaban people but when i do is for a good reasons.
- Rdm and quit. <- Nothing to explain, as it says.
- Retarded target rdming. I don't need to explain this.
- Ghosting in the most retarded expression. (Ex. see down)
- Ghosting and teaming. (Ex. see down)
- Retarded rdming. (Ex. see down)
Ghosting in the most retarded expression:
These quite retards think they can kill all the traitors without ppl saying "wtf he got first blood rdm why he killed me?", and do it round by round, They are retards.
Getting teams 3, 4, 5 ppl ghosting in the server.
Ghosting and Teaming.
-This is a good example because you were present when this happened and you told me why i banned the other guy permanently, and this is why, both of them were teaming and ghosting in a retarded way that everyone could see, 1 of them inno and the other traitor, 1 killing traitors and the other innocents, which i got killed by his ghosting friend totally random, they guy u banned for a week i think, after that Me Like Dis asked him why he rdm'd and he said "BECAUSE I LIKE IT", you banned his friend for 1 week, but i think you weren't aware that they were teaming and ghosting, i guess you think the other guy was just rdming, anyway...
-Retarded rdming.
Love this, cuz i remember in this map, like 2 days ago was one, really annoying, waiting for ppl pass thru a barrel to shoot it and then i complained and he said, your the retarded i shoot the barrel and u are passing thru it, IS YOUR FAULT, so these kind of ppl know what they are doing and just trying to be smart but inside they are fucking retards.
This even include ppl, that instantly kill you when you ask him, Why did you rdm him, pew pepwpewpewp your ded. Wtf?
I like how you think ppl can change <- In some point you are right, probably 3% of them could think, "I have done something wrong i won't do it again".
But most of them are kids, that they have a retarded attitude in game and doesn't matter what when they come back they, "Revenge against server, Do same shit again or do even worse".
***Lowering permabans to temp bans even to 1 week, do you think people will wait from come back to server and say hi, i am changed, i'm a new person i wont mass rdm either ghost with my 3 friends or rdm and quit when i'm bored.
i can spect that from a member of the community but from some random guy?, after 1 day he will find a server and quit trying to get in this one, 99.99% sure of that, when he get unbanned he will come back for revenge

<- this is the most common bitch i have seen in all years i have here.
so pointing this out let me show you something.
This is what happens when you give an opportunity to retardeds.
[Server] ** valdolozanojr ( STEAM_0:1:56855300 ) has left the server! **
*DEAD* (TEAM) (Reg) my ass: le ban
] ttt_print_damagelog
*** Damage log:
00:06.71 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged my ass [traitor] for 25 dmg
00:40.77 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged my ass [traitor] for 27 dmg
00:41.58 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged my ass [traitor] for 8 dmg
00:51.36 - KILL: <something/world> killed [THIS IS MY CLAN] ?BoomPie? [innocent]
01:12.21 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged my ass [traitor] for 27 dmg
01:13.02 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged my ass [traitor] for 7 dmg
01:13.02 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged Lazord12 [innocent] for 1 dmg
01:13.02 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged my ass [traitor] for 1 dmg
01:13.83 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged my ass [traitor] for 27 dmg
01:13.83 - KILL: valdolozanojr [detective] killed my ass [traitor]
01:16.15 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged Lazord12 [innocent] for 27 dmg
01:33.89 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged Lazord12 [innocent] for 27 dmg
01:34.77 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged Lazord12 [innocent] for 9 dmg
01:35.20 - DMG: TRITACOS [innocent] damaged valdolozanojr [detective] for 25 dmg
01:36.06 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged Lazord12 [innocent] for 9 dmg
01:36.89 - DMG: valdolozanojr [detective] damaged Lazord12 [innocent] for 9 dmg
01:36.98 - DMG: TRITACOS [innocent] damaged Lazord12 [innocent] for 20 dmg
01:36.98 - KILL: TRITACOS [innocent] killed Lazord12 [innocent]
*** Damage log end.
[Server] ** XerxesBreak ( STEAM_0:1:61620333 ) has left the server! **
] ttt_print_damagelog
*** Damage log:
00:09.59 - DMG: TRITACOS [innocent] damaged DocSnapple [detective] for 26 dmg
00:14.38 - DMG: TRITACOS [innocent] damaged DocSnapple [detective] for 26 dmg
00:15.45 - DMG: DocSnapple [detective] damaged TRITACOS [innocent] for 9 dmg
00:15.56 - DMG: DocSnapple [detective] damaged TRITACOS [innocent] for 9 dmg
00:15.67 - DMG: DocSnapple [detective] damaged TRITACOS [innocent] for 5 dmg
00:15.88 - DMG: DocSnapple [detective] damaged TRITACOS [innocent] for 5 dmg
00:15.98 - DMG: DocSnapple [detective] damaged TRITACOS [innocent] for 9 dmg
00:16.09 - DMG: DocSnapple [detective] damaged TRITACOS [innocent] for 9 dmg
00:16.20 - DMG: DocSnapple [detective] damaged TRITACOS [innocent] for 40 dmg
00:16.30 - DMG: DocSnapple [detective] damaged TRITACOS [innocent] for 40 dmg
00:16.30 - KILL: DocSnapple [detective] killed TRITACOS [innocent]
00:16.41 - DMG: XerxesBreak [innocent] damaged .:RbND`=- Abooz [traitor] for 26 dmg
00:41.15 - KILL: <something/world> killed Forecast [innocent]
01:03.88 - DMG: XerxesBreak [innocent] damaged DocSnapple [detective] for 73 dmg
01:03.88 - KILL: XerxesBreak [innocent] killed DocSnapple [detective]
01:07.09 - DMG: my ass [innocent] damaged XerxesBreak [innocent] for 62 dmg
01:07.09 - DMG: my ass [innocent] damaged XerxesBreak [innocent] for 22 dmg
01:07.89 - DMG: my ass [innocent] damaged XerxesBreak [innocent] for 17 dmg
01:07.89 - KILL: my ass [innocent] killed XerxesBreak [innocent]
01:49.74 - KILL: <something/world> killed valdolozanojr [traitor]
02:00.30 - KILL: <something/world> killed .:RbND`=- Abooz [traitor]
*** Damage log end.
these 2 up there, i banned just for a day, they came back reloaded to do the same shit.
*** Damage log:
00:06.32 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged MrGremlin737 [innocent] for 1 dmg
00:06.32 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 4 dmg
00:10.17 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 1 dmg
00:11.27 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:11.35 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 1 dmg
00:11.47 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:11.67 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:11.86 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:12.06 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:12.26 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 6 dmg
00:12.45 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 6 dmg
00:12.53 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 1 dmg
00:12.65 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:12.85 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 1 dmg
00:13.70 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 1 dmg
00:14.09 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:14.48 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:17.23 - DMG: Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] damaged Mr. Old Man [innocent] for 20 dmg
00:20.62 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 1 dmg
00:21.02 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:21.21 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:21.53 - DMG: Aimano [traitor] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 49 dmg
00:21.61 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:22.59 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 2 dmg
00:22.79 - DMG: Mr. Old Man [innocent] damaged Reuben's Nippalz [innocent] for 1 dmg
00:22.79 - KILL: Mr. Old Man [innocent] killed Reuben's Nippalz [innocent]
*** Damage log end.
[Server] ** Mr. Old Man ( STEAM_0:1:49570881 ) has left the server! **
this one was recently, after that he instantly left, am i wrong if i think he deserve a perma? cuz i actually did nothing that round just walking to be killed by an rdmer 10 seconds after round started... Take in mind this happened to other 2 or 3 ppl before.
*taking in mind if we lower the ban to a maximum of 2 weeks, <- Just thinking, 3+ week will make someone don't come back, specially ghosters and teams 2+ ppl. in a prob proportion of 0.9999 = 99.99%.
Anyway you already pointed the pros about your way, but by other way there's much more cons about not permabanning ppl.
like i said before 97% of them i proved they will come back and do the same shit, i sawwwww many ppl JBanned saying, i never played here why my karma is 1xx, this server is broken rdm and quit.
this will require waaaaaay more active staff, since report section will increase A LOT, since i'm not willing to deal with the same guy over and over, i was doing that for years, and even Vip just handling bans for 1 hour is not enought.
This will require an admin always active on the server which i don't see it, i mean "Active for me is always on watching what is happening", which in this case is why im connected almost 24/7, if not client then thru console, but always watching.
// i guess you saw since i came back from about december to nowdays forum reports are almost over, because i been pbanning ppl(not all of them but yea the retarded ones) and caring servers.
i mean that will fuck up everyone here, unless your going to stay veeeeerrrry active on server checking when they come back and cleaning the dissaster again and again.
which this makes me say, why to do that even banning for a month is stupid is like telling him to never come back but he is welcome to join 1 month later, when you can perma him and if he want to come back make an appeal if they enjoyed the server...
1) the other way relies on users coming back and appealing, and the thing is, majority of users who get banned don't even know about the forums, so if the player gets banned for a long period of time and doesn't know about the forums, he's pretty much fucked.
when they join back the server and they are banned this show's up "You are banned please visit: bans.randomgs.com" which inside that page "Welcome to the bans section.
If you would like to request a ban or unban please visit our forums (
http://forum.randomgs.com/ )".
2) a lot of people who end up doing bad stuff usually play normally for majority of their time spent on the servers, so if we ban them for a long time, they'll probably won't come back, which means less populated servers. And especially now, since the server popularity seems to be decreased a little and that there's pretty much at least one VIP/Admin at all times, banning more frequently shouldn't be a problem. After all, you guys been banning people like this for a lot of time and everything went just fine.
1 day he will comeback, 3 days "probably" come back, 1 week he will be finding another server to fuck up, 1+ weeks is bye bye.
Talking about popularity, gmod has sold more than 2Million copies, about and prob more than 1+ million active users, the server porpularity increased (not much) since i started banning ppl from jan, our bans doesnt even hit 0.1% of the player database banned on gmod, we would need to ban about 1.x million ppl to that happen imo.
well im out, im tired.