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Regarding the recent bans

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Tbh I think I understand both points here and agree with both in certain degrees. Honestly I don't think banning the way Ruben does makes the servers any less active or at least not noticeably so. I've been aware for some time that Ruben's been banning the way he has and when I first noticed it I was kind of confused didn't understand why such large punishments were being made, but then it was explained to me and it does make sense. At the same time, I don't think it makes any big difference personally but I also probably don't pay as much attention to who's doing what and obviously don't have the same access to logs that Ruben does so I may also be more unaware of who may or may not be rejoining after bans as Ruben. I do truly think however that it's not a significant enough difference for there to be any problem or conflict here, just from what I personally see and what makes sense to me. A lot of the players that come in and just RDM and leave and w.e are more than likely simply joining random servers because they're bored and RDM'ing, moving to the next when they can't do it there any more, never planning on rejoining but may eventually by coincidence, etc, but most likely they wouldn't be putting significant time on the servers nor would they really be causing significant problems, in my opinion. Personally I do usually give fairly short bans for my own reasons but am perfectly willing to give lengthy ones if I see it necessary and there have and will be some situations where maybe the actual problem they're causing isn't significant, but I'm extremely confident that their intentions are similar to what was previously mentioned and so see no reason not to have a longer ban. Though, I also don't hand out permanent bans for that, but that's simply my decision. I don't really think Ruben's decision is wrong by any means, that's just how he deals with it and to me that's fine tbh.


--- Quote ---I do, it's a fact.
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I really don't think that it's a fact.

--- Quote ---   I am sorry, i didn't know admins were attending the several reports i get through chat daily, that people do instead of going forum, i guess i feel like useless now :'(, oh wait... nvm.
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You completely misunderstood my point. I didn't say that you are doing a bad thing when you deal with trouble makers in-game, it's much better to be able to deal with all the trouble in game instead of dealing it over the forums.

--- Quote ---   i guess you didn't read my "1 day he will comeback, 3 days "probably" come back, 1 week he will be finding another server to fuck up, 1+ weeks is bye bye." but yeah...

   even ppl banned for 3 days, came after 1 and half month saying, i never played on this server why my karma so low, and rdm again, waaaaaait uhhh... nvm.
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Yeah I know, I see people like that, but there aren't that many people doing it. I remember when all the bans were relatively short and there weren't a lot of people who had been banned for more then 1-2 times.

--- Quote --- i told you like 3 or 4 times how significant will be, but yeah, i guess i'm wrong.
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I didn't said that you were wrong, I was just speculating whether or not it could have an impact on the population.

--- Quote --- Like i said, it up to admin decision, every person thinks different, what are you doing right now, i did years ago, you still have hope on them that can change, i don't, since all the experience i passed through, i guess your focusing just recent bans, which doesn't involve more than 3k - 5k+ permabans i already made before "SB
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I may be a new admin, but I'm not new to administrating servers, I did it for quite a long time too and I have more then enough experience to back up my opinion.

--- Quote ---Not all of the bans i make are permabans, it depends on the guy, like someone rdming and screaming "BECAUSE I LIKE RDM BITCH" i would perma him, you probably ban for 3 days or 1 week, IDK, thinking, he will change next time that comes back.
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For the last time, I do not think that all people who get banned for rdming will change, most of them will leave forever, others will rejoin and get banned for a longer period of time, and some might start playing normally, but now, I think it's best to leave this up to each admin's decision.


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