Favorite Interests: Games, Money, and Women
Favorite Servers: .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers, Tryhardia ttt, DarkRP, and GmodTower
Time Online: Usually online from on the weekends and maybe some weeknights
Age: 19
Location: America
Languages I Speak: English and Spanish
Occupation:Full time Job $$$$$
Education: High school, currently part time college student
Other games I play:Skyrim, The ship, Minecraft mostly
Hello, my name is BJ_Cumstain, I know its an odd name but I like it and I think its unique. Since my last RDM mishap i've tried to play more carefully. I hope that this time around my app will get accepted, but if it doesnt no hard feeling, I know that some people will say something about my "hentai" spray.. BUT IS NOT HENTAI IT IS JUST AN ANIME GIRL IN A BIKINi THERE IS NOTHING EXPLICITE BEING SHOWN!!!!! just my opinion on my spray but if the people of Random want me change it i will even though i dont want to but yeah...Thank u for reading my app

Here a link to my spray