Cheese.: usted es bueno en salto,no?
[10/26/10 10:29:12 AM] Frank: :<
[10/26/10 10:29:32 AM] Frank: nope
[10/26/10 10:29:53 AM] Cheese.: but
[10/26/10 10:30:02 AM] Cheese.: todos los mexicanos son buenos en salto
[10/26/10 10:30:03 AM] Cheese.:

[10/26/10 10:30:16 AM] Cheese.: im pround i did use the translator for that

[10/26/10 10:30:33 AM] Frank: I ain't jumping the fence over to U.S.F.
[10/26/10 10:30:45 AM] Cheese.: mexicano,
[10/26/10 10:31:29 AM] Cheese.: ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
[10/26/10 10:31:32 AM] Cheese.: cross country?
[10/26/10 10:31:33 AM] Cheese.: LOL
[10/26/10 10:31:39 AM] Frank: gtfo
you are good at jumping, no?
all mexicans are good at jumping

im proud i didnt use the translator for that

i aint jumping the fence over to the united states of fags
what is your favorite sport?
cross country?