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What do you think of Dungeons and Dragons?
Dungeons and Dragons is the boss.
I prefer the pen and paper type significantly more than the board game kind. The board game is really unnecessary, only thing it really helps with is keeping track of what is going on, but you can just use a whiteboard or paper for that. Though only bad thing is your experience is really dependent on how good your Dungeon Master is. They can be sometimes hard to find.
I played every summer when I was fishing since we tended to have a good amount of downtime. People don't seem to understand all it really is is just a video game with unlimited possibilities. When you play it, you get the video in you head just like you do when you read a book.
I made up a few of my own games, drawing up maps, badguys, weapons, and classes. I tended to make mine much more sci-fi oriented.
--- Quote from: Cake Faice on February 05, 2013, 04:22:40 PM ---Full game board wise, it's an okay game for when you're with a group of friends and you're all really THAT bored, but its counter-part Pen-and-Paper DnD....I consider that the poor man's version of video games.
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You mother is a poor man's video game.
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: Xrain on February 05, 2013, 09:05:50 PM ---You mother is a poor man's video game.
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I can't hear you over the sound of these poor man video games.
--- Quote from: blah2355 on February 05, 2013, 07:35:43 PM ---Spoiler (click to show/hide)On the side note, didn't know you were a girl :-[
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Lol, I think I purposely didn't want anyone to know unless they played with me. I think I had high brain at the time lol...
Anywho, I guess you could consider it a poor mans video game, but it's more than that to me. If I didn't want to play it I wouldn't, but I'm constantly looking forward to it and make time for it.
Never played it, was always semi-interested in it, looks time consuming.
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Never played it, it looks interesting though.
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