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What do you think of Dungeons and Dragons?

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I thought it was stupid as hell for a really long time. I would question why people would sit in a basement, write stupid character sheets, and roll dice.
Then a month ago, I started to play with my boyfriend. In a basement. With Mountain Dew and Doritos. With a shit ton of cats surrounding us.
It was amazing fun, and I got so excited that I made my own character sheet and got models to paint and everything.... I even suggested which Pathfinder adventure we should play.

So, does anyone else play? And what does everyone else think of Dungeons and Dragons as a whole?

I've never played personally, but I like the game as a concept. Not so much anything else.

Well, I watched this video from the pbsideachannel on youtube and it actually gives a quick run down of what happens during a session and the benefits of such. It makes sense. It's basically social rehab is how I see it, lol. But yeah, I watched it and decided to talk to my boyfriend about it and we found a group to play with a few days later :)

Tiger Guy:
Never really had the friends to play it with. Sounds like it would be fun though.

Never played it.. I think. I may have played it when I was in elementary school in our library. We chose to read or do that...


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