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Can you name one thing wrong with being a nerd?
I didn't read the thread at all, but you rustled my jimmies with this nerd talk.
Nerd, as people born in the early 90s and before knows it, is defined by their ability to do well in school and play DnD and similar stuff. They are social outcasts BECAUSE they are shy, 'weird', and they just don't know how to socialize. Clothes also tend to sway towards the simple and comfort side, with just jeans and some t shirts. They also can't get good jobs/girlfriends/what have you until they hit their twenties and are forced to socialize with people that use them in college. It's a tight knit clique, just like all the high school cliques.
You, however, are not a nerd. You are smart, I will give you that. But unless you play DnD or watch some sci fi show religiously, you are not a nerd.
--- Quote from: Dandelion on February 05, 2013, 12:16:40 PM ---I didn't read the thread at all, but you rustled my jimmies with this nerd talk.
Nerd, as people born in the early 90s and before knows it, is defined by their ability to do well in school and play DnD and similar stuff. They are social outcasts BECAUSE they are shy, 'weird', and they just don't know how to socialize. Clothes also tend to sway towards the simple and comfort side, with just jeans and some t shirts. They also can't get good jobs/girlfriends/what have you until they hit their twenties and are forced to socialize with people that use them in college. It's a tight knit clique, just like all the high school cliques.
You, however, are not a nerd. You are smart, I will give you that. But unless you play DnD or watch some sci fi show religiously, you are not a nerd.
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You obviously don't know what a nerd is... as Tiger Guy said. Being a hermit watching sci fi and playing DnD all the time doesn't make you a nerd. To most people in my school(and probably others as well), a nerd is somebody who is either smart, no social life, plays video games(even if it's just one, but then again all my school is full of wiggers) and things like that.
You should read a thread before posting. Assuming gets you nowhere. You can never truly know what it's like to be a nerd unless you're one yourself. You only know the stereotypical type of nerd. I don't want to sound disrespectful towards you, but you've got no knowledge of what a nerd actually is. Like Tiger Guy said, few people do.
--- Quote from: Cariad on February 05, 2013, 01:16:36 PM --- You obviously don't know what a nerd is... as Tiger Guy said. Being a hermit watching sci fi and playing DnD all the time doesn't make you a nerd. To most people in my school(and probably others as well), a nerd is somebody who is either smart, no social life, plays video games(even if it's just one, but then again all my school is full of wiggers) and things like that.
You should read a thread before posting. Assuming gets you nowhere. You can never truly know what it's like to be a nerd unless you're one yourself. You only know the stereotypical type of nerd. I don't want to sound disrespectful towards you, but you've got no knowledge of what a nerd actually is. Like Tiger Guy said, few people do.
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I had said as people born in the early 90s and before knew it. I meant that the meaning between the generations may be different, but since you were asking what a community thinks is wrong on a forum, I think that's fair. I may not have been completely a nerd in my earlier years when I was in high in high school, but I grew up with an older brother who was one in the 90s. He did all the activities I mentioned, played old pc games out the butt, and always was inept at social interactions. I was giving my input on what I thought was wrong with being a nerd and I was giving just my opinion.
--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on February 04, 2013, 12:57:16 PM ---Where the hell did you get that from in this thread?
I hate that shit probably as much as you do, but I really don't see that regurgitating onto this thread.
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Just the mentioning of the word nerd and naming one thing wrong with it likes it's the best thing in the word makes me think of that, I probably overreacted but still.
--- Quote from: Dandelion on February 05, 2013, 02:20:59 PM ---I had said as people born in the early 90s and before knew it. I meant that the meaning between the generations may be different, but since you were asking what a community thinks is wrong on a forum, I think that's fair. I may not have been completely a nerd in my earlier years when I was in high in high school, but I grew up with an older brother who was one in the 90s. He did all the activities I mentioned, played old pc games out the butt, and always was inept at social interactions. I was giving my input on what I thought was wrong with being a nerd and I was giving just my opinion.
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This thread was about naming something wrong with being a nerd. I mean the typical type of nerd that's hated for being... well above student IQ. I don't want to start a flame war with you so let's just drop the subject and get back on topic. Or, let the thread die.
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