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Video games > Guns
--- Quote from: Me Likes Dis on January 31, 2013, 11:21:45 AM ---Meh,this isin't anything suprising as everyone just keeps blaming video games on murders and stuff
And moms complaining about kids playing "Violent Videogames"
Theres an Age Rating for a reason .-.
Instead of making a tl;dr i'm gonna just leave this here
The What If Machine - Violence in Video Games
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Kinda just wanna shoot the guy in the foot, after that ask him what's more of a problem video games or guns.
( I don't agree with all the gun laws that will be coming, actually I can't say I don't agree either, I don't know much about them, so I have no opinion really. )
As you all know, I am a gun owner. I would consider myself a firearms enthusiast.
There is no denying that there are many causes for gun violence. So to argue that one single thing is the cause is completely off. People are quick to point fingers toward things they see as wrong; violent video games, ease of access to firearms, motherfucking "assault rifles". They do not, however, discuss the mentally ill. People who would be considered unstable and dangerous.
I think that the number one issue regarding gun ownership is mental stability. You must understand that while you and I do not play games with the intent to live them, there are those in this world that will see something like that, and start to think, "Oh....That doesn't look too hard. I could do that...". They are unstable individuals, sometimes children who know no better, sometimes adults that have snapped. The video games themselves are not intending to be bad. But like everything in life, they leave subtle influences on the people who play them. 99% of us will not think anything of it. But the 1%, the child crying in his bedroom because he feels left out, mocked, and underappreciated; the one who spends his time playing violent games to escape his reality, and become a supersoldier; he may be the one to blur that line, go into his fathers closet, take his gun, and go to school.
Everything plays a part, and while they're wrong to point fingers, you cannot deny that they have influence on people.
If you don't think you've been influenced, let me ask you a question: If you had to pick one gun to use from any video game, which would you choose?
I'm willing to bet you instantly thought of a gun, and I'm also willing to bet it was the "best" for whichever game you chose. Best meaning most powerful and easiest to use.
Reminds me of this
--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on January 31, 2013, 10:42:08 AM ---If video games really did that then video games would be banned in many places in the matter of a DAY a first person shooter came out or anything with blood, not just America.
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Germany, Australia, Brazil, to name a few. Look I don't think video games increase gun violence any more than watching a violent movie or reading a horror novel. All I'm saying is, there's plenty of countries with restrictions, adaptations, and bans on certain violent video games for xyz reasons.
A favorite YouTuber of mine had some footage on CNN.
Seamuses Video
So CNN Used Some Footage of Mine During A Video Game Debate/Discussion
The CNN video
Erin Burnett: Is Someone That Kills A Prostitute Playing GTA More Likely To Kill People?
They've been saying things like this since DooM and the first Mortal Kombat came out.
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