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Video games > Guns

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Republican senator says guns don't kill people, video games do

Oh fucking wow.
No one is that stupid to go outside and say "OH IM GOING TO SHOOT EVERYONE UP TODAY CAWWADOOTY"
If video games really did that then video games would be banned in many places in the matter of a DAY a first person shooter came out or anything with blood, not just America.

Fuzsion, what you don't understand is that in politics, the majority of politicians could care less what is right or good for the country. They will service themselves to grassroots movements, interest groups, and lobbies in order to get re-elected. If people are up in arms about guns or video games, they'll go with the flow (What with the increasing number of violent acts, which I attribute less to guns and games and more to the dissolution of the family structure).

They care more about their next re-election and their relatively stable paycheck, political influence, and the goodies that come with office, than objective truths.


--- Quote from: CodeKyuubi on January 31, 2013, 11:15:12 AM ---Fuzsion, what you don't understand is that in politics, the majority of politicians could care less what is right or good for the country. They will service themselves to grassroots movements, interest groups, and lobbies in order to get re-elected. If people are up in arms about guns or video games, they'll go with the flow (What with the increasing number of violent acts, which I attribute less to guns and games and more to the dissolution of the family structure).

They care more about their next re-election and their relatively stable paycheck, political influence, and the goodies that come with office, than objective truths.

--- End quote ---

As I agree with that, I can't help but think:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Re-Flex - The Politics of Dancing (US 12")]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY7RIn4byK0#ws]Re-Flex - The Politics of Dancing (US 12")[/url]

The politics of dancing
The politics of ooo feeling good
The politics of moving
Is this message understood

Meh,this isin't anything suprising as everyone just keeps blaming video games on murders and stuff
And moms complaining about kids playing "Violent Videogames"

Theres an Age Rating for a reason .-.

Instead of making a tl;dr i'm gonna just leave this here
The What If Machine - Violence in Video Games


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