"Honor is in the heart, not the name." A guide to Yasuo, the Unforgiven 
Yasuo is potentially the strongest Melee ADC in League of legends, Combining the Aspects of a Strong Offense and Defense into a champion with limitless potential.
Utilising a Legendary wind technique, He is able to hurl whirlwinds to send his oppenents airbourne,
protect himself for a short time with a robust wind shield, and deflect any Projectile flung at him with his infamous windwall.
In this supposed Guide, i will teach you how to blow your enemies away with a few gusts of wind and sword strikes.

Marks: 5 Greater Marks of Critical Chance and 4 Greater Marks of Attack Damage
Due to his passive, Yasuo's Critical strike chance obtained in Runes and Items is doubled, making Critical Chance extremely gold efficient with him.
With that being said, in order to obtain 100% Crit Chance in the late game, 5 Marks of Crit Chance is needed giving us 4.6% equivalent to 9% in-game.
I take 4 Attack damage marks in order to deal a little bit more damage in lane and to help last hitting.Seals: 9 Greater Seals of Armour or 9 Greater Seals of Scaling Health
Pretty standard for a majority of champions, helping to reduce early game physical harrass. Scaling Health Seals are also an excellent option if you know how to trade effectively in lane using Yasuo's Passive, as 216 extra health late game is extremely good.
Glyphs: 8 Greater Seals of Scaling Magic Resistance and 1 Greater Glyph of Critical Chance
Again, standard MR per level Glyphs and Yasuo especially needs this as he does recieve scaling magic resistance due to how he can use his passive shield and wind wall to negate Magical Projectiles in trades during the laning phase.
Taking 4 Glyphs of Flat Magic resistance and 4 Scaling Magic Resistance can also be a choice if you are unsure in evading and mitigating Magical Projectiles being thrown at you.
I also take 1 Glyph of Critical Chance in order to gain an extra 0.3% Crit Chance, rounding up my Overall Level 1 Critical Chance to 5% equivalent to 10% in-game.
Quintessenses: 2 Greater Quintessenses of Life Steal and 1 Greater Quintessense of Attack Damage
One of Yasuo's weaknesses in lane is no innate sustain. In order to solve this, I take 2 Quints of Lifesteal in oder to help Yasuo survive the laning phase.
1 Quint of Attack damage is used again to help to deal a little more damage in lane and help with last hitting
I take 21/9/0 Masteries, focusing on dealing the maximum amount of damage while offering a small amount of defense for the laning phase.
Most of it is fairly logical and does not be discussed with the exception of the usage of the Dangerous game mastery and non-usage of the Warlord mastery.
Dangerous Game is a underated Mastery for 1 point, restoring 5% of your missing health and mana when an enemy champion is killed. The mana restoration is wasted on yasuo, however in teamfights,
you are acting as the Melee attack damage carry and you will recieve definite punishment so you will need all the fight sustain alongside your Lifesteal and Passive Shield.
Personally, the warlord Mastery is not worth the 3 points to gain 6% Bonus Attack Damage, because do take note this only effects your Bonus Attack Damage and i rather use those points for Dangerous game and Spell/Blade weaving masteries.
Item Builds
Starting Items
Starting off with Yasuo, his first buy items are fairly straight forward. He needs sustain so taking a Dorans blade which grants 3% Lifesteal is appropiate along with a small amount of Attack damage and Health. Plus a red pot too.
First Back Items
On your first back it is often a best idea to pick up a second Dorans blade as the lifesteal they bring scales well into mid game. Pick up boots of speed to increase your overall agility in lane.
Now at this point you should be either winning your lane or Neutral/Losing your lane. I find it is best to Pickup a Vamp scepter when winning a lane in order to be more aggresive in lane. Pick up a Avarice Blade if you are behind in order to gain its Gold generation Bonus in order to catch up with your Gold Income. Plus Yasuo's Passive makes Avarice even more cost effiecient. Eitherway make sure you have atleast have these two items in your inventory at somepoint.
Core Items
These are your core items. To put it simply, Stattik Shiv suits Yasuo well as its passive procs on his Q, dealing large amounts of Hybrid Damage along with more Attack speed, Movement Speed and Critical Strike.
The Blade of the Ruined King is Yasuo's Source of Main sustain additionally giving him extra chasing power with an Active Nuke and Bonus Physical Damage to his auto attacks based on the enemies current health. Not to mention a good amount of Attack Damage and Attack Speed.
Infinity Edge is pretty Simple. A massive chunk of Attack of damage and Critical Chance, plus a passive that increases the damage dealt by critical strikes.
With your 5% Critical Chance Runes and these two forementioned Core Items, Yasuo will gain 100% Critical Strike Chance.
Pick up either Ninja Tabi or Mercury Treads based on two scenarios: If the enemy team comp is largely AD based, pick up Ninja Tabi. If the enemy team comp is largely AP or contains a large amount of Crowd Control, pick up Merc Treads. Simple
Situational Offensive Items
Here are a few other Situational Offensive Items for Yasuo, with Bloodthirster granting a shield when effectively overhealing with your auto attacks alongside a Large amount of AD and Lifesteal.
Last Whisper is generally a good item if the Enemy team builds a tremendous amount of armour to a point where your attacks only scratch and you need the 35% Armour Reduction, it also scales well with Yasuo's Ultimate's Bonus Armour Pen
Maw of Malmorius is a situational Item at best if the enemy is largely AP Based, as it provides a good amount of Magic resistance and Attack Damage. It also gives a Strong Magic Shield and passively grants you Attack damage as your health decreases up to a cap.
Ravenous Hydra is another situational item that overall gives good stats but is more suited to a Bruiser Style Champion with Average Attack speed. It's Passive AoE on autoattacks however is kinda useless due to Yasuo already having good Clear options.
Mercurial Scimitar is again another situational item, most suited when the enemy team has a lot of Crowd control as the items passive works as a Cleanse, removing all Debuffs plus granting the user movement speed for 1 second besides providing a large amount of Attack damage and Magic Resistance.
Situational Defensive Items
Here are some situational Defensive Items you can pick up if you are being killed alot in Fights or Enemies keep Focusing you.
Banshee's Veil is an excellent Magic resistance item giving you a rechargable spellshield that can block the first spell that hits you along with a large of Health and a small Health Regeneration passive upon the shield being broken.
Randuin's Omen is the Counterpart Brother to the BV, giving a large amount of Armour and Health which is great against Heavy AD Enemy Teams., alongside a useful AoE slow Active, allowing you to chase or disengage.
Warmog's Armour is just a big fat slab of Health and i usually built when the enemy team has no real damage orientation. Plus a decent Health regeneration Passive.
Abilities Run Down
Passive: Way of the Wanderer
Intent: Yasuo's critical strike chance is doubled, but the damage dealt by his critical strikes is reduced by 10% (25% on Steel Tempest).
Resolve: At maximum Flow, the next instance of damage coming from a champion or monster against Yasuo will first convert his Flow into an absorption shield. After 1.5 seconds, if not already depleted, the shield dissipates and Yasuo loses all his Flow.
Undoubtly one of the most strongest Passives in League of Legends, Way of the Wanderer gives not one but two powerful passives.
Intent is what most people would say defines Yasuo as an amazing Melee ADC, causing his Critical Chance to be doubled, making any items with Critical strike even more cost effiecient.
Resolve is what makes Yasuo a pain to lane against, as any trading in lane somewhat mitigated by his shield, often leading to Yasuo having the Land Advantage.
Q: Steel Tempest RANGE: 475 STATIC COOLDOWN: 5 / 4.75 / 4.5 / 4.25 / 4
Consecutive successful casts of Steel Tempest within 10 seconds form a chain.
First Active: Yasuo thrusts his sword forward, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a 475-unit line.
Second Active: Same as the first active.
Third Active: Yasuo brandishes his sword, dealing physical damage and knocking up all enemies in a 475-unit line and unleashing a whirlwind that tears forward an additional 425-units (total 900 range), dealing the same physical damage and knocking airborne all enemies hit. This active resets the chain.
Each cast can critically strike and on-hit effects will apply to the first enemy hit (excluding the third cast's whirlwind). Additionally, each cast can be used during Sweeping Blade to change the area of effect to a 375-radius circle around Yasuo. The cooldown and cast time of Steel Tempest is reduced by 1% for every 1.72% of Yasuo's bonus attack speed.
Yasuo's Bread and butter skill, use it to effectively last hit, harrass your oppenent and etc.
Will Finish later