
Recharge: every .1 MR has, gains .5% health back

Dupe Surge: Active - Gains .3 attack speed (goes up by .3 each time ability leveled up) and on every third successful strike he deals 50 bonus true damage (increases by 10 each
time ability is leveled up)
Passive: Every 2 attacks with his Q, he throws a copy of his Ethernal Shock. 3rd strike,
Proxy throws his actual Ethernal Shock.

Electric Percussion: Makes a copy of Ethernal Shock over an enemy putting them in
shock, decreasing their armor (and if ultimate to them halberd copy explodes and
deals 40 extra dmg (increases by 5 each level). Useable in combo with ultimate

Firewall: Grants a shield to a nearby ally, increasing their armor/MR by 2%
(increases by 1% each time ability is leveled up) of Proxy's that lasts for 6

Tactical Overwork: Teleports to a target and is granted 5% (increases by 2% each level)
armor and MR, also adding free dmg elixir for 2 minutes.
Proxy (preferring to go by "Prox") is the end result of a hardened soul enriched with the lifeblood of Zaun. Abandoned in the waste receptacles of a belching hexchem factory, Proxy had managed to fall into the perilous hands of "Shimmer", a waste often used to heighten the senses. He is found by a mage mother, whom had good intentions for him, and managed to take care of him through childhood; the day she confronted him about his early addictions was the day his fragile shimmer emotions would cast a fist of rage over her fate, bound by hatred he already harbored in his heart... thus resulting in the ultimate death of the only person who had tried to offer him a second chance. Blinded by his own regret for what he did, he spent his life being a wanderer, forcibly quitting the usage of the Shimmer; though it’s constant affects bothered him wherever he went, even after the long absence of its daily usage. These outbursts often led him to hurting others and killing. Wishing to change his ways, he eventually joined up with a group of misfits who traveled Valoran in search of places to rob, places to use for their own selfish vendettas. With this, he had hoped to find others to whom he could relate, such that he could quench his misaligned thirst. While visiting the wondrous city of Piltover, Proxy watched as the great Jayce, a symbol of light for the city, had displayed his great hammer.
Enthralled by its power and by Jayce’s moving speech, Proxy snuck into the lab of a particular scientist, and stole a container with volts of electricity. Combining the power with his Halberd, he crafted for himself through his years of living in Zaun, until he named his weapon: Ethernal Shock. Ready for some action, he returned to his partners outside the city only to find that they had been brutally murdered. Alone and exacerbated, he noticed that they were not killed by any weapon, but by poison. Zauntine poison. Reliving the pain he caused his adoptive mother, he vowed to never again walk to path of injustice, and inspired by Jayce’s words, he began his hunt to take down the symbol that left him in the broken state he was already in.
“You might as well kill yourself now.” -Proxy
Recommended build:
•Starting Items:

•Essential Items:

•Defensive Items:

•Offensive Items:

•Kameroonian's Suggested Full Build: