My Favorite champions at the moment are Master Yi, Xin Zhao and Wukong. All with different playstyles. Currently i'm looking and interested in buying Lee Sin. Anyone know if he is good since every time i face him, his abilities always take me down most of the time.
Also i hate Akali.
Lee sin had strong abilities, he is a jungle or a solo top Off tank Attack damage champion, he's abilities are very hard to combo, but not that hard, you can learn about Combos with wards with lee sin, is very effective against slow champion, like darius or a "Mid" lux
My build with him jungle: Tabi ninja,Frozen Mallet,Sunfire cap,Blade of the Ruined King,Last Whisper,The Bloodthirster
And Solo top: Sunfire Cape,Warmog's Armor,Mercury's Treads,Randuin's Omen,The Black Cleaver,Maw of Malmortius