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League of Legends General

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You guys make me feel lonely :(.


Garen and Ashe fed my spear well  :icerod:

(also what on earth were they building)


--- Quote from: TehHank on May 31, 2013, 11:34:40 AM ---

Garen and Ashe fed my spear well  :icerod:

(also what on earth were they building)

--- End quote ---

Try getting a trinity on Xin. It's the most underestimated item on him, but let's him nuke even when under-fed.


--- Quote from: Alphaggot on May 31, 2013, 12:57:15 PM ---Try getting a trinity on Xin. It's the most underestimated item on him, but let's him nuke even when under-fed.

--- End quote ---
^ This, it has some nice passives on it, good attack speed, good amount of health, and hot damn that sheen proc.

So, today i want to talk about League of Legends champions, which one is the better for you, and which one is worse.

My favourite(s) champion(s) are:
Tryndamere, Fizz, ezreal, draven, Jax and Malzahar

And who i think is bull shit:

Alistar, sivir, twisted fate and Karma (really bull shit)


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