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League of Legends General
The only correct way of playing ranked is to become negative.
I'm going to move my account from North America to Latin America North or south when I can :(
Lagg is a bitch.
--- Quote from: Gigio12121 on May 17, 2013, 05:28:29 PM ---My goodness, I didn't realize that many people here played League, anyways i'm always interested in playing with others, I main top and jungle, and can apc fairly well, my summoner id is Gigio1212 if you're interested.
Top : Gangplank, Jarvan IV, Yorick, Rumble, Shen.
Jungle : Jarvan IV, Shen, Olaf, Xin Zhao, Malphite.
Mid : Heimerdinger, Annie, Xerath, Kayle, Ryze.
ADC : Ashe. (I'm a horrid ADC.)
Support : Lulu, Soraka, Karma.
Kill-lane Supports : Nidalee, Jarvan IV, Shen, Kayle.
--- End quote ---
>Kill lane support
Dem spers.
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