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League of Legends General

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The only correct way of playing ranked is to become negative.

I'm going to move my account from North America to Latin America North or south when I can :(

Lagg is a bitch.


--- Quote from: Gigio12121 on May 17, 2013, 05:28:29 PM ---My goodness, I didn't realize that many people here played League, anyways i'm always interested in playing with others, I main top and jungle, and can apc fairly well, my summoner id is Gigio1212 if you're interested.

Top : Gangplank, Jarvan IV, Yorick, Rumble, Shen.
Jungle : Jarvan IV, Shen, Olaf, Xin Zhao, Malphite.
Mid : Heimerdinger, Annie, Xerath, Kayle, Ryze.
ADC : Ashe. (I'm a horrid ADC.)
Support : Lulu, Soraka, Karma.
Kill-lane Supports : Nidalee, Jarvan IV, Shen, Kayle.

--- End quote ---

>Kill lane support


Dem spers.

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