Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Novias reg app 1/26/13

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Doctor Who:

--- Quote from: Supertoaster on January 26, 2013, 06:44:59 PM ---He's a nice guy and I trust him  :thumbsup:

--- End quote ---
"Along with that, he's very active on the servers is a VERY COOL PERSONONONNON"  :thumbsup:

Cheesy Sandwich:
saivoN ! he is coo'. defenatly desrves Reg, very active and a easy guy to get along with!  :thumbsup:

Asuna Yuuki:
Very cool and calm ZS player.
Always respects admin/players.
Always Follows the rules.

You deserve a  :thumbsup:

Peter Petrelli:
I love this man. +11
He is very active and calm

once or twice the things you have posted on the forums made me want to flip a table but,

you're indeed a pretty cool guy and I do believe those where exceptions.

nice guy to play with, got good intentions, knows the gamemodes he plays and the rules.


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