Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Novias reg app 1/26/13
Steam name: Novias
Steam Id : STEAM_0:1:47599013
Time online: Mainly I'd say about 5-10 hours on weekends and week days 1-2
Servers: TTT ZS that's about it
Age: 15 1/2 ish
Birthday: Aug 19th
Location: Lakewood Washington
Why I want to become reg: I guess because I think I improved ? At the same time I don't know really I feel like I should have waited on this reg app but at the same time again I feel like I have gotten to known most of the people on rnd and I am I guess sorry for that horrible derail to on the post. It won't really surprise me if I don't get reg but I have confidence and hopefully my friends will say good tings about me. I loved rnd since I was like ten when gate showed this to me especially the zs server then I fell in love and I promise I shall not do something stupid liek that again and If I do I guess you can perma me ? or something lol
Friends list of people on Rnd: Code, Carp, Lazord, Deacon, Tortie, Punisher, Gate, Juan, Zevantae, Cheesey, Cable, Cariad, Crypto, Lazerblade, DK, Memo, Prox, Whagman, Supertoaster, Doc snapple, Tehhank, Kurtis, Latias, Yellow killer, left 4 kill, Triggerhappy, And photosynthesis
And that's it.
He's a nice guy and I trust him :thumbsup:
Friend of mine for a while now. I don't know anything wrong with him. I've never seen him rage or anything.
He's pretty active, and from what I've seen is well behaved, at least on the servers. I wouldn't be in a rush to promote him any higher, but I think he can handle reg. +1
I used to think that he wasn't very bright just because of his grammar, but I played some TTT rounds with him and I found out he's not as stupid as I thought lol.
Definite +1
Very fun to play with.
also sorry about the shit I said about you on the forum before
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