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What do you think of airsoft?

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--- Quote from: pyrosheep on January 20, 2013, 12:44:11 PM ---I don't really like it, when I was 11 I was at a friend's house and they took out their airsoft gun and pointed it at me and I started shaking and had a panic attack, no clue why, it was pretty funny but I was scared shitless. I'm not friends with that person anymore.

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Same thing happened to me. Only it was a cap gun... almost fell backwards when it fired.

Cake Faice:
I used to go airsofting out in the desert all the time with my friends. I've always bought the cheap $20 plastic spring action guns, but they were proven pretty effective.

Though I stopped because I was in an airsoft group that took the game a little too far.


--- Quote from: Cake Faice on January 20, 2013, 07:21:58 PM ---I used to go airsofting out in the desert all the time with my friends. I've always bought the cheap $20 plastic spring action guns, but they were proven pretty effective.

Though I stopped because I was in an airsoft group that took the game a little too far.

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What happened?

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: pyrosheep on January 20, 2013, 08:00:32 PM ---What happened?

--- End quote ---
Cake faic story tiem.

The group was just another word for militia. Everything was super serious business, the leader implemented ranking divisions, military related crap, just for a group of guys who shoot plastic BBs at eachother. Eventually word got out that there were some furries/bronies within the group, shitstorm happened, people started to personally insult one another, question authority, I added in that the whole militia aspect was stupid, the works.

Worse part was, everyone was a personal friend of another. Me and the leader were especially good friends with eachother. Me and my friends just broke away eventually, did our own thing, got abunch of new guns and eventually challenged them. Our side won a battle in the desert, we were also about to win another battle until someone called the cops and caused like a helicopter to land by a neighborhood.

Everyone eventually dissolved and played airsoft with each-other for fun now. Also some of the guys were fucking annoying and kept shooting at me for "fun", even though we weren't wearing eye protection. The last person who did that, I grabbed my friend's full metal FAMAS and pelted his ass until the clip was out. There was like 20-30 bb's in the clip left.

Cheesy Sandwich:
^^^ lol nice. Bastard deserved it.

I have been here like 3 times.

Vanguard Indoor Playground 4-9-11 Team Deathmatch

Kicks ass! but yes, Good airsoft stuff is expensive.  I have 2 green Gas blowback pistol's, paid about $100 each. Plus $15 a can for gas everytime i have gone to vanguard. All in all though i love to go to these places. super fun. and some of the places you go, they can loan/rent you a decent gun if you dont have one. the one thing i hate getting shot by is the gas powered grenade's. i had one of those shoot off right infront of me and of my friends. that shit hurts  :D


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