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What do you think of airsoft?

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--- Quote from: Shockah on January 25, 2013, 03:13:27 PM ---My arsenal, just my main weapons sold all my blowback pistols and such since I don't go too much any more.
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Wells M4 first AEG I bought.

Dboys M4, this thing's seen some wear, painted it and modified it's barrel length mahself.

EGLM Stand Alone Grenade launcher, oh how I love this thing.
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Damn. Those look pricey. I've got an AK-47 but the shots go 15 meters before blowing away in the wind. So I'm thinking of getting a spring sniper and a C02 M9.


--- Quote from: Cariad on January 25, 2013, 11:33:42 PM ---Damn. Those look pricey. I've got an AK-47 but the shots go 15 meters before blowing away in the wind. So I'm thinking of getting a spring sniper and a C02 M9.

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Try using heavier BB's they misfeed much less often, are generally better for the care of your weapon, and tend to be more accurate. I use .25 typically but occasionally I'll go with .20's. If you're getting a high powered sniper which considering it's spring it probably isn't crazy but 500fps+you want to go .28's. At least that's what I've found, increases accuracy and puts the gun at a lower FPS making it less of a safety risk and more largely accepted by airsoft ranges as most of them have a FPS limit.

Edit* Keep in mind not all Airsoft guns can use all BB's typically it'll say in the manual or on the box their restriction if they have one.


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