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--- Quote from: †KHMarie† on January 17, 2013, 11:43:16 AM ---I used to not like shots, however that changed because well, I just got over it lol. I am not really afraid of any sort of medical treatment, whether it be shots, or a trip to the dentist. I always looked at, it's these peoples job to try to make us feel better, so I trust physicians a lot, more or less. I always like to hope they have the best intentions in mind.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)I can admit I don't always eat healthy, but I do try to keep bad things out of my diet, like fast food for example. It's been probably 10 years now since I've stepped in a McDonalds or Burger King, I find it all to be pretty disgusting, no matter what they've "changed". I also try to make sure I get everything I need into my diet. I like sugary foods, but I'd prefer a salad over something sweet any day, it just makes me feel better. I also love seafood, any type, and try to eat a lot of it. There actually isn't much I don't like. I think the only food I can say I dislike to the point of me just refusing to eat it is coconut, I absolutely despise it.; I've tried every form of it and I just can not stand the taste or smell, that's the same with plain honey. I just try to eat everything in moderation since I don't like plain exercise. I do love eating, it's so unfortunate my two best friends are skin and bone, and don't like eating ;_;
I think my normal menu for a school day though, is probably:
toast/Cranberry Juice
toast/Cranberry Juice
toast/Cranberry Juice
toast/Cranberry Juice
toast/Cranberry Juice
toast/Cranberry Juice
toast/Cranberry Juice
toast/Cranberry Juice
Steak and potatoes with spinach (and Cranberry Juice)
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--- Quote from: †KHMarie† on January 17, 2013, 11:43:16 AM --- I think the only food I can say I dislike to the point of me just refusing to eat it is coconut, I absolutely despise it.; I've tried every form of it and I just can not stand the taste or smell, that's the same with plain honey
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I've never met someone who doesn't like coconut as much as me! I hate the drinks, the flakes, the actual thing, even the smell and flavor makes me nauseous. I used to hate plain honey, but I heard a few years ago that it makes your allergies better if it's local so I started eating/drinking it whenever I could. I like it better when it's really thick and less processed.
--- Quote from: †KHMarie† on January 17, 2013, 11:43:16 AM ---I think the only food I can say I dislike to the point of me just refusing to eat it is coconut, I absolutely despise it.; I've tried every form of it and I just can not stand the taste or smell, that's the same with plain honey.
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But... I love coconut ;-;
Also, I haven't had a flu shot in 4 years. Never really cared about the shots, had a very large needle in my mouth about a month ago. It hurt somewhat, but it was better than feeling a large drill do the same thing.
And I've been around the sickest people you could imagine every other day for the last month and a half. I've been fine so far... unless really the virus/es I do have are super dormant for some reason and not giving me symptoms. So I'm figuring for the most part I don't need a shot unless we've got another super-pandemic on our hands.
○ Μαρία ○:
--- Quote from: Dandelion on January 17, 2013, 12:44:01 PM ---THIS SO MUCH
I've never met someone who doesn't like coconut as much as me! I hate the drinks, the flakes, the actual thing, even the smell and flavor makes me nauseous. I used to hate plain honey, but I heard a few years ago that it makes your allergies better if it's local so I started eating/drinking it whenever I could. I like it better when it's really thick and less processed.
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Yeah I can stand honey when it's with other things, but by itself it makes me sick.
Just got a booster meningitis shot, I used to be scared of shots but if you relax and try not to think about it it's okay as if only something pricked you.
Never got a flu shot, and never got the flu. I believe I don't need one.
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