7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Yes that's not you who claimed before that you did because you were playing around and would most likely try again :<
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Stop.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Whoever.(Reg) hypextreme: needs moar wire hydralic
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Just, please, stop.Saving achievements...
(Reg) hypextreme: oh hello unit
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: What in teh hell.(Reg) hypextreme: when did you get here
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: A few moments ago but it appears that even when Guest, minges follow.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I've asked, so many times.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Please. Stop.Giving mc_{smiles}[GbK] a weapon_mac10
Giving mc_{smiles}[GbK] a weapon_tmp
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Reg) hypextreme: (fixed)Please, stop.
Player César has joined the game
César (Country: Brazil) connected.
Henth removed prop_physics
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: No Explosive barrels, no guns, No fucking (I've yelled so many times nicely I just.) props, just, stop. touching, this, please. PLEASE :|(Reg) hypextreme: turned Chat off
César's props have been cleaned up
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Awesomedavid and Ravager(I spot the two) .Giving awsomedavid a weapon_para (HMM
) (Guest) raveger61: not me im here
(Guest) awsomedavid: i didnt do anything(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: yes that wasn't you under the bridge.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Please leave me alone.(Guest) awsomedavid: liesHenth removed prop_physics
(Guest) raveger61: nope
(Guest) awsomedavid: im tryin to make trails on my apartmentHenth removed prop_physics
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Like, why won't...
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Ugh.(Guest) raveger61: and i was proving you that it was not me (and getting david to do it for you)(VIP) César: hi all
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: But you asked Awesomedavid to shoot with the ap whatever (combine gun)
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Hi Cesar.(Guest) awsomedavid: no
(Guest) awsomedavid: if u see im in my apartment
(Guest) raveger61: nope there is no evidence (Oh?)(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm recording a DEmo and saw your name before you noclipped under the bridge.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: There are these things called name tags.(Guest) awsomedavid: i have done nothing
(Guest) raveger61: a demo?
(Guest) raveger61: a video?(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: A recorded in-gave video. Yes.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: So please stop minging.(Guest) awsomedavid: u can stop this (You could too)mc_{smiles}[GbK] removed gmod_thruster
(Guest) awsomedavid: ive done nothing (
(Guest) raveger61: are you going to send it to youtubeVehicleType:prop_vehicle_airboat:
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: To the forums.Player César left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Guest) raveger61: what forums
(Guest) awsomedavid: if he did only like 2 people would watch it ( :'( )(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Because I've asked. Yet you never listened.Player César has joined the game
César (Country: Brazil) connected.
Player [JP]ENNGAWA has joined the game
[JP]ENNGAWA (Country: Japan) connected.
Player César has joined the game
César (Country: Brazil) connected.
(Guest) awsomedavid: youve never told me yet i didnt do nothing(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Is that why you want to do this? Because you can get away with it?
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I have.Henth removed prop_physics
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Want proof?(Guest) raveger61: yes
(Guest) awsomedavid: besides stop being such a baby its nothing( Blowing up something that took 25 almost impossible minutes to make without proper tools is Nothing) ,CANT U UNDERSTAND THIS IS A GAME U OBSESSIVE PERSON (Sounds like your obsessed with Me as well. If you weren't you would have left me alone the first time I asked).(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: And I Quote=
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Stop.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Whoever.Giving raveger61 a weapon_fivesevenhypextreme removed gmod_wire_expression2
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Obsessive because no one will leave me bo.[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !help in chat!
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: be, even.Saving achievements...
(Guest) awsomedavid: wow u got problems
(Guest) awsomedavid: its a game (That you won't let me play)(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm not running around exploding barrels everywhere.VehicleType:prop_vehicle_airboat:
(Guest) awsomedavid: its not like we stabbed u (actually I could commit suicide because of frustration and it could be all your fault :|)
(Guest) awsomedavid: baby ...
(Guest) raveger61: that can get you to fameHenth removed prop_physics
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Maybe I do have problems.Henth removed prop_physics
Henth removed prop_physics
(Guest) awsomedavid: lol
(Guest) awsomedavid: wat happened?(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I don't need fame. I just want to build.(Guest) raveger61: this is a game that can take you to famezombiehunterNL's props have been cleaned up
(Guest) awsomedavid: ?
(Guest) awsomedavid: GARRY IS FAME
(Guest) awsomedavid: not players(Guest) raveger61: yes(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm not going ot explain to people who want to fuck around with me because they can and there are no consequences :|(VIP) César: back
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: wb(Guest) raveger61: but you will be gnown all over steam (
)(VIP) César: how are all ?
(Guest) awsomedavid: so(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm nice to people relatively, but everyone just pokes me with sticks.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Not good.(Guest) raveger61: fine
(Guest) awsomedavid: any1 could get off steam any second (Like you>?)(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Like, why me? Why not, anyone else?(Guest) awsomedavid: i could litterly leave steam and never come back (It would be nice if every minge did, but alas...)(Reg) [JP]ENNGAWA: lol
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm not the onyl one in here you can bug. Maybe it's because I yell alot but still.(Guest) awsomedavid: and alot of people know me
(Guest) awsomedavid: trust me(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Is that why? Because I'm feeding the trolls?
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I don't care about what you do and don't 'anything'. Leave me alone.(VIP) César: How are all ?
(Guest) raveger61: 0.0(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I. Just want. To build. Thank you. Leave me be.(Guest) raveger61: fine
(Guest) raveger61: you?
(Guest) awsomedavid: whatever(VIP) César: very well
(VIP) César: thanks
[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: fuck u
[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
(VIP) César: hi Hatifnat
Vehicle undone
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: hey
Unfroze 5 Objects
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: maybe make a hovertank?
Weld undone
[Fretta:Console] "Powerlayed: all type in console kill and kiss your penis and you got secret 100 candyes"
Henth removed prop_physics
[Trouble in Terrorist Town:Console] "Rocket50: its exec lab"
[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Obvious Troll: type troll in console and you get godmode"
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: a
Unfroze 6 Objects
[Fretta:Console] "Powerlayed: all type in console kill and kiss your penis and you got secret 100 candyes'"
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: XD
Henth removed prop_physics
Henth removed prop_physics
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: ...(they just made my jeep fly a fair amout of distance from an explosion)Unfroze 6 Objects
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: ennga, have you stoped making stuff?
[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
(Reg) hypextreme: oh hi engawa
(Reg) [JP]ENNGAWA: hi
(Guest) raveger61: omg what was that[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
(Reg) hypextreme: oh cesar too
(Guest) awsomedavid: what?(VIP) César: yeah
(VIP) César: hi
(Guest) awsomedavid: what happened?(Reg) hypextreme: vip gratz
(VIP) César:

(VIP) César: moo approved me
(Reg) [JP]ENNGAWA: cool
[LuaCmd:1] attempt to call field 'SpawnedProp' (a nil value)
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: :][SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Reg) [JP]ENNGAWA: lol
[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: make this so it can walk XD
[JP]ENNGAWA was killed by worldspawn
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: STOP
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: AWesomedavid.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Please.Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rules in chat!
(Guest) awsomedavid: yes?^Pb l Azn was killed by prop_physics
(Reg) hypextreme: what thruster effect is that?
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: rofl
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Stop spawning barrel
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: S*(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: growing rings
(Reg) hypextreme: kk
(Reg) hypextreme: thought so
Henth removed prop_physics
] startdemo Awesomefaggotleaveme
Unknown command: startdemo
(ugh)(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: These barrels were over here.[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
(VIP) César: hyper
Saving achievements...
(Guest) raveger61: yes(VIP) César: come to the town
Unfroze 5 Objects
(VIP) César: town
(Guest) mc_{smiles}[GbK]: who had the airplane that crshed
Unknown command: cl_trigger_first_notification
(Guest) raveger61: omg im bleeding[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
Player [JP]ENNGAWA left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Guest) raveger61: in real life (Karma)(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Who is shooting my jeep again.(Guest) awsomedavid: LOL[gamemodes\sandbox\gamemode\spawnmenu\spawnmenu.lua:91] attempt to call field 'SpawnMenuOpen' (a nil value)(Hook: OnSpawnMenuOpen)
Giving awsomedavid a weapon_pumpshotgun(VIP) César: enngawa
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: stop.(Guest) raveger61: im watchin awsome
(Guest) awsomedavid: i made my apartment(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: :\(Guest) awsomedavid: if u dont believe im in apartment look at me[JP]ENNGAWA's props have been cleaned up
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Because you just ran there.(Guest) raveger61: kk(VIP) César: I will get internet 15mb
(Guest) awsomedavid: LIES(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Ravager I see you aiming at it. STOP.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: What the hell.(Guest) raveger61: LOL(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Okay fine.(Guest) raveger61: dude stop(VIP) César: O SHIT
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Hi Hatifnat.
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: hey
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Do you see tha texplosive barrel?
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: yep
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I wonder who made it.Saving achievements...
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I wonder why there are explosion marks everywhere areound my Jeep.
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: it is "awsomedavid"
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Yep.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: And they wont sto.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Come on.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Stop. please.Giving raveger61 a weapon_ak47
Giving raveger61 a weapon_m4(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: God why do they keep targeting me :<
Giving raveger61 a weapon_mp5(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: my hovercraft is neat and alot of coding to make it hover
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: 
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: it only uses trusters
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: You saw that, right?
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: no(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: i will søy him
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: spy*
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Thank you.César removed gmod_thruster
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: !t awsome
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: ravager was hiding behind the Bridge last time I sawd.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: And they won't leave me alone, regardless of how many time I say please.
Smart Constraint: Working...
Smart Constraint: Finished. Total Constraints: 1
Unfroze 4 ObjectsPlayer awsomedavid left the game (awsomedavid timed out) (Hmm)Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rules in chat!
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: :O nice Jeep (not the HL one, but the green one :O)Henth removed prop_physics
(VIP) César: me ?
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Yeah?
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I dunno who it is XD
(VIP) César: thx(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: :[ Why won't you two just stop? (I didn't notice he timed out because I was so focused on putting the jeep in a safe location)
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: i will find out who it is[Zombie Survival:Console] "Seb: hay guise"
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm gonna post teh Demo after I attempt to make the jeep run, at least.
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: it is not awsome(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I have proof though.awsomedavid's props have been cleaned up[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: It just got rid of the barrels.Saving achievements...
raveger61 was killed by worldspawn
(VIP) César: wow
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: There Ravager is.(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: die zombie
(Guest) raveger61: y bow at you
(Guest) raveger61: i will leave you alone
(Guest) raveger61: from now on(Guest) Henth: how do i remove welds?
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I doubt that.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: press Reload on it, Henth.(Guest) raveger61: see its not me(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: with the Weld tool
(Guest) Henth: what is reload?
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Oh but if it's not you it's Awesomedavid(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Uh, for me, that's R >_>
(Guest) raveger61: D:(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: no
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: depends if you mapped the keys.
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: awsome david left
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Then that means no moar minging...
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: 
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I'm still posting this demo.VehicleType:prop_vehicle_jeep_old:
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Because there is not one time this doesn't happen :[(Guest) raveger61: ATCTUALLY WE WERE WORKING TOGETHERPlayer .:RND`=-Roach has joined the game
.:RND`=-Roach (Country: Israel) connected.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Exactly(Guest) raveger61: he spam y shoot(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: So you admit to it.(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: what jeep is that with a barral a error and a pillar thing?
(Guest) raveger61: nope it wasent me y tolld you for the last time(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: And all those times I ased you to stop. (Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: It's the HL2 Jeep.
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: i know
Unknown command: cl_decline_first_notification
You now own this prop
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: but what is it meant to be?
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: A Modified jeep :p
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: XD
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: I would ahve made my own car but I don't have regular :[
(Guest) raveger61: can we still be friends unit (
)[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Reg) .:|Hatifnat|:.: looks awsome
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: Raveger, I don't know because ALL those times I asked, you never listened.
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: not once.^Pb l Azn's props have been cleaned up
[Zombie Survival:Console] "Hunter

: speed hacker in ZS!"
(Guest) raveger61: it was fun thats all but now y ask you to forgive memc_{smiles}[GbK] was killed by gmod_wheel
Warning: killicon not found 'gmod_wheel'
(Guest) .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™: It wasn't fun for me.[Fretta:Console] "DarkBitch: lol"
[Wire Build:Console] "César: cool"
Saving achievements...
(Guest) raveger61: i gnow [Winter Survival:Console] "Dolemite: I was the hacker"
hypextreme removed gmod_wire_hydraulic
(Guest) raveger61: im sorry