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What's your plan after highschool
I don't like thinking about my future because then I get really stressed out.
--- Quote from: pyrosheep on January 16, 2013, 06:52:56 PM ---I don't like thinking about my future because then I get really stressed out.
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You do know anything can happen in the future ? if anything I don't like thinking of the present because it makes me think of the past
--- Quote from: Juan_Ambriz on January 16, 2013, 06:47:46 PM ---Im not 100% sure on what i want to become.
i was thinking along the lines of heisting with Sabb and sometimes pay tiger to join with us.
Yup become YMCMB
Anyone else care to join us?
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Time to police academy.
When I was in high school, I thought that I would be in a 4 year university. But then I got too scared to go, so I went to community college for a bit, dropped out and worked really hard for about 6 months, and then moved to sunny California. Now I'm in school again, and planning to major in agricultural education and teach childrens and what not ^^
Tiger Guy:
Being serious though, I've pretty much narrowed it down to something dealing with money or computers. Probably gonna be money though, could always learn the ways of the stock market from my grandpa. That shit is dangerous though.
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