.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
What's your plan after highschool
Sorry if someone posted this already
Hopefully allot of scholarships during my sophomore year get good connections do an ROTC program for air force in the university I chose to go to and hopefully save enough money to get my own apartment or condo in Seattle and get money from a good job
Edit:people most likely probably thought I was trolling
Cake Faice:
To spend a few months rambling on how much I disagree with the whole college/education system, but eventually get enrolled in some core classes, get that out of the way, then head on to a university to major in something.
>is one of the few people on the server who isn't in high school
I guess I can't post.
Tiger Guy:
To become an African War Lord
or just live on welfare, I don't really know.
--- Quote from: HideoKojima on January 14, 2013, 06:45:04 PM --->is one of the few people on the server who isn't in high school
I guess I can't post.
--- End quote ---
Lol it's not like I have power over this thread and will judge you for it *cough* cough*
you can still post even if you graduated or if you are in middle school idc
P.s. That cough was not directed towards you
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