.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

What's your plan after highschool

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Sorry if someone posted this already

Hopefully  allot of scholarships during my sophomore year get good connections do an ROTC program for air force in the university I chose to go to and hopefully save enough money to get my own apartment or condo in Seattle and get money from a good job

Edit:people most likely probably thought I was trolling

Cake Faice:
To spend a few months rambling on how much I disagree with the whole college/education system, but eventually get enrolled in some core classes, get that out of the way, then head on to a university to major in something.

>is one of the few people on the server who isn't in high school

I guess I can't post.

Tiger Guy:
To become an African War Lord

or just live on welfare, I don't really know.


--- Quote from: HideoKojima on January 14, 2013, 06:45:04 PM --->is one of the few people on the server who isn't in high school

I guess I can't post.

--- End quote ---

Lol it's not like I have power over this thread and will judge you for it *cough* cough*

you can still post even if you graduated or if you are in middle school idc

P.s. That cough was not directed towards you


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