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What's your plan after highschool
Gonna finish high school, go to the army until the age of 21 (I have to), become self-employed. My plan is more detailed and complicated than that, but this is the "general idea".
Whatever it is you decide to do, do not let someone else tell you you have to do something.
Make sure it's your decision. I can only encourage you all to go try to make something of yourselves, whether that means college to you, or starting a business, or just joining the workforce. Don't become a bum. Don't sit back waiting for good things to happen to you. You have to take control of your own destiny. Or your own bills, depending on how you view life. Have some sort of a plan. Have a back up plan for when that plan fails.
It is up to all of us to be better at life than our parents, or humanity has failed.
I'm going to be finishing high school then join the Canadian Military. After a couple years I might be going into the Joint Task Force 2. The only problem with that is that my family will never know where I go. So I might just stay in the Canadian Military for a couple years or if I reach Sgt.
--- Quote from: Purple on January 15, 2013, 02:00:27 AM ---Spoiler: this shit (click to show/hide)
sorry about shitty quality, you get the big picture though, 3d animation and related.
that's the main thing I'm thinking about doing after highschool, I'm going to a 3d animation camp for a week in the summer as well to sort of prepare I guess. :v
--- End quote ---
>major in a degree of art
>display work on resume
>fucking non-stop profit
Dale Feles:
I plan on joining the army. Here they have a program where they basically pay your studies, then you go to several military schools for a while and you get a guaranteed job.
Or probably go to university, pick up a couple of classes, and work as a security guard, police officer, meh. I just can't stand staying in an office filling paper work 24/7.
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