Bans (Read Only) > Approved

007 mass RDM

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--- Quote from: 007 on January 11, 2013, 08:01:18 PM ---I dont know of any other Rdm's

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Nor do I, but it seems like you've been accounted for constant T-baiting and prop minging. As for the RDMing, I"m only taking what people are saying but it doesn't neccesarily mean you have because I"ve never been on the server when you decided to be a dick to everybody so I don't know. (Not saying you were being a dick again I"m taking what other people said.)


--- Quote from: 007 on January 11, 2013, 07:52:51 PM ---I just want to say i only killed 2 ppl with a flaming barrel and Samo ended up shooting another barrel in my hand killing himself and then rage quiting.

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More like you picked up the explosive barrel, put it through the fire and ran at the closest player while the barrel was about to explode.

Aside from that, you are being reported not only for this incident, but because there are many complaints about you from other members. Heck, at times I even have to warn players who try to kill you that you bait often and that they will loose karma.

And after all the times you have been kicked/banned from TTT you still continue like this. It would be great to have you play with us normally in the servers. You just need to cut down on the offenses.

Cheesy Sandwich:
007, Alot of the time you don't Rdm, But besides this time, i have seen Other times where you have RDMed. 1 time i recall you were banned for it. the way i see it is, the majority of the people on here are sick of it.

McDreary The Hapless Hamster:

--- Quote from: Samo on January 11, 2013, 08:45:43 PM ---More like you picked up the explosive barrel, put it through the fire and ran at the closest player while the barrel was about to explode.

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Truthz. And in peaches castle you shot up a few people. (Including myself that round we had that fail t who was lost.)


--- Quote from: McDreary The Hapless Hamster on January 11, 2013, 09:10:19 PM ---Truthz. And in peaches castle you shot up a few people. (Including myself that round we had that fail t who was lost.)

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I killed you and some other inno cause the Traitor (Samo) ran right pasted you after killing a Det and an inno so i thought you were a Traitor.


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