Bans (Read Only) > Approved

007 mass RDM

(1/5) > >>

McDreary The Hapless Hamster:
1. Player's SteamID   STEAM_0:1:38742694

2. Players Nickname


3. Your in-game name

McDreary The Hapless Hamster

4. Server name

5. Description of the event(s)

From what I noticed it started in peaches castle he rdmed a ton of people including myself. In the next map, the office one he would pick up explosive barrels and drag them to fires and kill people with them. He got his karma down to 118, and that takes a good amount of killing. He's been in trouble for this before from what I've read so he really should know better.

6. Reason for Ban:

Mass RDM

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)

After he rdmed his karma down to 118. And what he said in chat...

Not much to say on this one... He kinda admitted it.
Sorry for the lack of damage logs, by the time I found the command he slowed his rdming.

If anyone can get him on the forums, I'd like to hear his reasoning.

○ Μαρία ○:
I had someone complaining to me about him yesterday, and he has caused problems in the past from what I know. If he is still causing problems, then I am going to go ahead a

Longer punishment for past problems?

Old report on him:,13111.0.html


Judging from sourcebans, he has the possibility to evade also.

First of all while there is a lack of evidence his reputation is horrible. I have *tried* to ban him in the past for RDMing (Jman beat me to it) I even warned him when I saw him that he is on a short leash and that if I caught him RDMing I would ban him.
Now once again we have no full proof all we have is what he said.

As deacon said I believe we should try to get him on the forums and ask him/see what he has to say


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