1. Player's SteamID STEAM_0:1:38742694
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
McDreary The Hapless Hamster
4. Server name
5. Description of the event(s)
From what I noticed it started in peaches castle he rdmed a ton of people including myself. In the next map, the office one he would pick up explosive barrels and drag them to fires and kill people with them. He got his karma down to 118, and that takes a good amount of killing. He's been in trouble for this before from what I've read so he really should know better.
6. Reason for Ban:
Mass RDM
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)

After he rdmed his karma down to 118. And what he said in chat...

Not much to say on this one... He kinda admitted it.
Sorry for the lack of damage logs, by the time I found the command he slowed his rdming.