okay, thanks for reading this. but i think this whole thing is useless, first i got respect (before the rank update) and didn't do anything wrong...
then the rank system updated and i got to regular status... then the new rank system get reset... and now i am guest. this is just waste of time by making application(s) again.
so now i have to make a new application(s) that i really don't want to do. all this work just for some rank things to make this community better?!
i will just say what i am thinking about this whole shit. maybe i am not the best here about making application. but after this update i am getting mad cause i have to make a new application(s). i was a good guy before. but cause of all these rank updated that makes my promotion lower and lower i am getting mad and piss-off. i could help you guys but i think i wont anymore. i maybe quit this whole useless thing, i think. what is the point of doing this again?!
i have heard bad stuff of me, but get over it. just cause i did something wrong don't means i am a bad guy. maybe i am a bad guy, maybe i am a good guy.
who cares? i still make this community better. i am a bad guy of people talk bad thing about me or treat me bad. you get what work for. like magic, he is a cool guy and i like him. coolz, your also a cool guy. moo too, and all other admins. many people have quit cause of this. i really wanna the old rank system again. i know
that the new rank system is a good idea to make less abuser and stuff like that. but it don't have to go out for the old good members, do it? no. they don't deserve it. and if they do anything wrong, don't just come and say "ABUSER, YOU NEED DEMOTE!!1", just say what they did wrong and they may understand it and wont do it again. if not, they really are abuser and need demote. but i don't think i did something wrong cause no1 have said anything about what i did wrong. i am maybe off sometimes from this community, but that's why i have a life. and i am sorry about that. i am also sorry about if i said anything bad in this text. anyway, here is my new application:
Hello, i really wanna join this community cause it is awesome and i love playing on it. you have the best GMod server i have ever played on, and i love them!
i have made a lot of stuff on your servers! and neat stuff too.
ah!! i almost forgot my steam id, age etc.!!! Stupid me. here it is:
Steam-Id: .:|Hatifnat|:.
Name: Philip
Age: 14
Birthday: 17. ap... (wow, i almost gave away my private information D:)
XFire: 'Hatifnat' or was it '.:|Hatifnat|:.'? (i don't remember.)
do you need any more information? nah, i donut thing so.
