Nickname: cvissia
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34353243
Favorite Interests: Computers, TTT, Garry's Mod, Minecraft, Playing Outisde
Favorite Servers: RND TTT, RND Zombies
Time Online: I am usually online for 6 hours throughout the day
Age: 15
Location: USA
Other Games I Play: Minecraft, Call of Duty, L4D2 (Xbox)
Summary: Hello, I am Caleb Vissia and I am here today to apply for Regular once again. I have tried before but I hope things won't end up badly
this time

. I am a nice, respectful, and fun person. I have a good judgement on a whole lot of things like Voting and other things. I like to
be as patient as I can with people and will answer questions if they ask them. I hope to be a regular and I will see you guys later!

Note: I did not take Cable(heart)'s name. It was my nickname given to me by my sister when I was 6 or 7.
