Nickname: Saetik
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28926325
Favorite Interests: Guitar, video games, reading
Favorite Servers: TTT and Zombie Survival
Time Online: 10 AM - 2:45 AM (-6)
Age: 16
Location: Texas
Languages I Speak: English, German, Latin, Spanish
Occupation: Looking for jerbs
Education: Eduwhat? Highschool.
Some stuff I don't like: People that ruin the game for others.
Other games I play: Battlefield 3, Crysis 2, Far Cry 3, AC 3, Call of Derp modern derp 2, WoW, Portal 2, L4D2, and ARMA 2 combined Ops (Day-Z)
Summary: The reason I made this application is so that I can help monitor the servers and help vote kick or ban a RDMER if they are causing any problems. I am definitely a friendly player, looking to have fun with others. And I can usually be mostly found on the TTT server.