Halo stuff, hmm... I am Fairly what is a God with the computer compared to others around me locally which is frustrating as hell when someone asks you how to goddamn use WINDOWS MOVIE MAKERRRRR or how to print, or how to post videos, or how did you know how to use Photo shop, or how do you make videos like that or how did you mod that or or or, oh no, or "I think you should use this *crappy* program to make pictur-" And then I use Photoshop instead of Wordperfect. "Oh you know how to use that? How?" Oh gee, I thought I was the Stupid student... wooooaahhh, Well I don't know maybe I KNEW HOW TO USE IT ALL ALONG
I make the computer teacher look like shit sometimes. Karma is a Bitch, because every time he talks down to me like I don't know anything, I'm 140 steps ahead of everyone, including him. Hell, 99% of everything we do in that class I've done before. And
fuck me, "Oh I doubt you know how to do that". Rant is Rant to fill in empty space. Rawr so I'm a Computar Nehrd sometimes Gua. I built a phone out of other phones

(I had a Iphone 2nd gen and just basically modified the frame so much, it's not even thin anymore). I took mah 360, shelled it, And modified an Xbox "Original" casing to fit the #60's guts into. IM PRONE T MAKE SPELLING ERRORS SOMETIMES STOP YELLING AT ME IM NOT PERFECT :O Sometimes I can be a Cool Guy but, every whatever Has it's silver whatever or something other thing coolbro. Just, leave me be and we're cool. Start poking me with a Giant Stick (God forbid it's a
Human Stick) and On the forums we go-eh, wait, yeah, that counts for the
other thing too :I
Shit; speaking of which I'm
Male. Once on TTT everyone thought I was a Girl because of my name. I don't understand how Unit=Girlz. Fuck. Not... no. No. I'm
MALE. Oh and I quote Obscene Posts ingame because. Then I bind them, and whenever it goes silent, or we need a new topic, I just press
any key to continue/_I don't quite really know what else to say... really... I'm out of ideas. Last time I had a canvas. Now it's kinda like re-writing something that you Winged. Plus I got older so I got more stupider.
Oh, and other
oh and don't forget stuff.