OH MY GOD DUDE. I am so happy for you, I got to watch one of my good friends get her first kiss and I was so proud of her ;_;
I haven't gotten mine yet, I am thy virgin everything. I'll be asexual my whole life; EITHER WAY, I am happy for you!
>not having sex the minute you hit your teens
Psh loser. What kind of girl are you?
Though seriously, respect for that. Tis is sad world when girls have slept with 10 guys before they even hit 18, and they do so because the guy said they loved them on their first week of going out. Shit is retarded yo.
Once in Kindergarten, when we were having nap time, I was in between two girls. The one on the left pulled her pants down and asked if she could ride on me. I dug my head into my pillow and said no (or shook my head, I don't remember).
I'm still having a hard time believing it happened.
I'll let you keep that record buddy 
It's definitely worth waiting for, I can promise you that.
"Once in Kindergarten, when we were having nap time, I was in between two girls. The one on the left pulled her pants down and asked if she could ride on me."
What in the fuck.... what did her parents let her watch porn instead of cartoons because cartoons are violent or some shit? Seriously what the fuck kind of kid says that at that age....
Reminds me of something from my child hood...
Though I'm not going to talk about that.