No it's not hurting him but it just fills his app full of useless posts that will likely get ignored and make absolutely no difference.
So it's pretty much useless to post on an app just to +0 it as you're not contributing to the thread at all by doing that.
Sorry to keep derailing the thread here, but i want to expand this a little bit.
example of a good +/-0
Overall I'm ok with *whateverthefuckyouwanttocallhim is just an example*, I know he knows the rules, I know he is a good player and knows how to play the game well, but in the last days I have seen a bad actitude towards the new players on the server from his part wich (in my opinion), a reg should always have.
+/-0example of a bad +/- 0
-Never seen him
-He is a newbie on the forus
-His point of view towards ponys is different than mine
-I don't like the way you made your application (even tough all the requiriments where filled)
-because I want to___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Now back on topic, id like to change what I said.
No sperm have been on the servers for a lot of time and I'm pretty sure he is ready for this.
He plays a lot on rNd servers and know the gamemode he plays pretty well.