Introduction:Well, i'm Buddha and I mostly only play Trouble in Terrorist town. I personally like that server. So if you don't know me, you haven't played TTT with me
INFO:My name:Andrew
Time zone: GMT - 8
Age: 15
Time Zone: GMT -8
Servers i play on(in order from most to least):TTT
Plain build(sometimes)
Sled build(sometimes)
STEAM INFO:Steam Name:Klumzyxx
Steam Nickname:Buddha
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:34080874
Steam password:
Why VIP: I want VIP because sometimes there are no VIPs in TTT. There are some, but not all the time xD. I'm mostly on TTT almost all day. I always wait after i have evidence to recommend a votekick or voteban because who votekick/votebans during a round with no evidence? And in
Flood, there is usually a minge that always goes on peoples boat and shoots at it, or a prop pusher, or a glitcher(rarely). I know i've only been playing on RND for about 2 months and not much people know me, but the ones that do like me(i hope xD). I will voteban/votekick based on how the TTT rules:,220.0.htmlSome situations:TTT:1. Is detective rdming1a.Ask why they rdmed and warn them.
1b.If they do it again, votekick
1c.If they come back and do it AGAIN, voteban
2.Mass rdming2a.Warn not to do again.
2b.If he keeps doing it, votekick
2c.If he comes back and does it AGAIN, voteban >:O
3.Mic spammer
3a.Tell people who says stuff like "OMFG STFU YOU FKING MINGE" to mute him
4.Hacker4a.Get his steam id
4c.Tell admin to perma ban
Build/Flood:5.Prop pusher/Killer5a.Tell them to stop
5b.If they keep doing it, warn them
5c.If they do it after my warning, votekick
5d.If they come back and do again... bannhammer
All servers:6.Minge6a.Warn to stop minging :I
6b.If keeps minging kick
6c.If minger comes back, warn one more time..
6d.Minger should stop, if he doesn't, vote ban and
7.Map glitching7a.Warn them and tell to kill self in console or some other way
7b.If doesn't kill self and does more than once, start a kick
8.RDM Rounds8a.Once last round starts, clearly state "No rdm rounds"(the warning)
8b.If caught, voteban
9.Pre round prop kill9a.Warn them not to do again
9b.If does again, vote kick.
Contact Info:Steam name-Klumzyxx
K now
