1. Player's SteamID:STEAM_0:0:558541STEAM_0:1:53260541STEAM_0:1:48204942STEAM_0:1:50027623STEAM_0:1:518222582. Players Nickname:Gossi101Superior Soccer MomTheGzaDerpDaHerp[GG] SupaCaution3. Your in-game name:This Cactus
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival):Trouble in Terrorist Town ~ TTT
5. Description of the event(s):Superior Soccer Mom: As it is in the console with dmg logs, he first blood RDMed my T bud and as he was dead the victim was complaining and he also attempted RDM on soemone else then left after killed.
Gossi101: Also in the dmglogs, ran up to me and shot me with an M3, also attempted RDM on soemone else.
TheGza: Mass RDM then leave
DerpDaHerp: Attempt RDM + Mass RDM then leave
[GG] SupaCaution: Attempt RDM + RDM then leave
6. Reason for ban:RDMs:
First Blood
Normal RDM
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):