Steam name: animediz
SteaM iD: STEAM_0:0:26520506
In game: Bipolardiz
real name: David
Favorite Servers: Mostly I play on TTT or ZS. I still really like flood even though it is mingey as hell but I will always love it. I suck with wire and stuff mostly cause I dont want to learn it, not really my interest. But I have built the generic stuff such as a house, cars, and boats.
Who am I?: I am David. I am 17 years old. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I am attend CSNHS which is a dual credit program, half college and half high school. I like anime, games, reading books, writing stuff, and etc.
Why I would be a good reg: I have a lot of experience in Gmod. I was a respected back in the day (one of the few who didn't abuse) but then I stoped playing for awhile due to computer failure. I do not minge and I follow all of the rules. I try my best to help people and not get in the way of people on wire when im building a dinky house and they're building an amazing work of art.
Ima name drop and say sanders is my friend in real life and since he is such "serious business" he would come kill me if i fuxed shit up. Not that he could but whatever.

Im not really known anymore due to my long absence (like 5 months) but seeing as I have history here and people still sort of remember me I believe I should be a reg. Especially since I am going to be on everyday now.
Oh yeah and I do not have any posts here cause the forum change. I will start posting on the things I like and stuff.
If there is any additional information nessecary then do not hesitate to ask. I am an openbook.