Nickname: GhostToast

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41692642
Favorite Interests: Games, Soccer, Anime
Favorite Servers: The Stronghold server, pretty much the only thing I play when I'm on gmod
Time Online: Week Days - 3 AM - 8 PM Weekends - Any time I feel like playing some Stronghold
Age: 15
Location: California
Languages I Speak: English
Occupation: Being a
very ghostly toast
Education: High School for the Toasty
Some stuff I don't like: Toast that are alive and crispy and these guys - ->

Other games I play: DotA 2 and League of Legends Edit: I play Osu also!
The person who introduced me to the community and server: Tortie, known him since preschool and we have been friends since.
Favorite Stronghold gun: Famas

Hello! My name is GhostToast and for the last few weeks or so I have had an amazing time on the Stronghold server.
Almost everyday I have been on the server learning about the game and talking with the community.
All that I have met have been kind and shown all sorts of maturity, I really hope to be a bigger part of this community in the coming future!
Also, remember to always believe in