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What's your favorite movie and why should we watch it?

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Resevoir Dogs is a great movie.
It's about a diamond heist involving 6 (?) criminals, but the movie starts at the "end" and shows parts in the middle to explain what's going on and why it's going on. Basically the problem is one of them is a police informant and they don't know who. they are all in a warehouse with eachothers. They don't use their real names, instead they use aliases like Mr. Pink, Mr. Blue, Mr. White. Also it's directed by Quentin Tarantino is it's bound to be awesome.

Also Inception but I'm pretty sure most of you have seen it.

Boondock Saints

Because fuck you its awesome

Close finish between Fight Club and Pulp Fiction.
Fight Club for obvious reasons, and spoilers. Pulp fiction because of the witty dialogue and because Quentin Tarantino is a fucking genius.

Once Upon a Time on ABC.
Old Disney characters are in a real world that has been cursed by a queen that are depressed and has no memory of them being a character.
But watch the first season first.
It's fucking good.

Shit I just noticed it said MOVIE.

» Magic «:
All the American Pie's because Stifler.


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