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New Rule?
--- Quote from: Samo on September 29, 2012, 06:51:20 PM --- It seems that they cannot notice the amount time left.
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Not always - sometimes I see this, but not always.
Speaking of slays, why in fuck's name does rNd's server NOT have that capability built in? It seems to be becoming a standard amongst TTT servers, and is very useful.
--- Quote from: Travelsonic on September 30, 2012, 07:19:14 AM ---Speaking of slays, why in fuck's name does rNd's server NOT have that capability built in? It seems to be becoming a standard amongst TTT servers, and is very useful.
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Having no use of slay commands (for VIP's at least) is actually better than having a slay as a punishment for killing a T baiter, as experienced on other servers.
I'd love to see voteslay to be implemented for VIPs.
--- Quote from: Prox on September 30, 2012, 03:54:53 AM ---
15. Holding up the round on purpose is not allowed
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tldr; Someone holding up the round is usually not doing so purposely and for that reason I fully support the option to voteslay as I think it's a nice less harsh alternative to kicking someone who doesn't know how to play the game.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Very rarely does a T intentionally hold up a round, however, this large influx of newer players is bringing about a large amount of "Sit in the T room until the round ends" players; also the "Don't know what to do so I'm just gonna sit here and not shoot anyone" players. Essentially what I'm trying to say is, it's not the people who hold up the round intentionally that concern and ruin players experience as they can just be kicked, it's the ones that are simply so terrible they do all of 0 damage to anyone, sit in the t room, or unknowingly kill their t buds thinking they're the bad guy. I fully support the option to voteslay as I think it's a nice less harsh alternative to kicking someone who doesn't know how to play the game. Oh and viptalk is extremely useful for these kinds of situations a lot of the time players simply don't pay attention, ignore it, or are afk.
Voteslay sounds good, that way decisions can be properly made and butthurt players don't exactly make the final decision.
But if this is added, please don't have a slay as the punishment for killing a T baiter/RDMer. Having it used every round would be annoying.
Just use it for people who hold up rounds (afk's and lost or glitched players)
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