1. Player's SteamID
** rebel32 ( STEAM_0:0:47637417 )
** Robamacop ( STEAM_0:1:40465336 )
2. Players Nickname
Robamacop, rebel32
3. Your in-game name
whagman4. Server name
5. Description of the event(s)
6. Reason for action
Ghosting for multiple rounds, and rdm.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=98890074I didn't get much.
These two boytoys would rdm traitors magically. if you killed one of them, they would kill you. Also in the last round before they left, rebel was a traitor and roba was an inno. Roba rdmed one of rebel's t buddies named Rillex, then rebel id'd it claiming he killed the t. roba then went on to rdm an inno while rebel was "proven".
kind of a shitty explanation. im gay.