Support (Read Only) > Suggestions

A REALLY small but good suggestion on zs.

<< < (2/6) > >>

That means we will fall infinitidly and never die!


--- Quote from: rocket50 on October 19, 2010, 03:36:52 PM ---That means we will fall infinitidly and never die!

--- End quote ---

I especially agree with the fear tower part. It's annoying to just fall like 2 feet and like die/explode. Many other people also hate that they all out then die and stuff on that map too. :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Mr. Don on October 19, 2010, 03:42:06 PM ---

--- End quote ---


Or ALTERNATIVELY you can take the fall damage system by height from TTT and put it in ZS :l

Lol ttt's is shit

Need code tomahcorp number 1 system


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