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A REALLY small but good suggestion on zs.

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--- Quote from: Tomcat on October 19, 2010, 07:47:19 PM ---Lol ttt's is shit

Need code tomahcorp number 1 system

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Tomah Products, Inc. Mergers and Acquisitions

PhysicX M.D.:

--- Quote from: rocket50 on October 19, 2010, 07:38:19 PM ----.-

Or ALTERNATIVELY you can take the fall damage system by height from TTT and put it in ZS :l

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You know what?I really agree with this!

well if you don't know how to use a ladder or you can't get to the top on feartower  :gtfo:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Lol...Now seriously, falling like 7 feets should do damage, not make you explode

PhysicX M.D.:

--- Quote from: memo3300 on October 20, 2010, 12:04:19 AM ---well if you don't know how to use a ladder or you can't get to the top on feartower  :gtfo:
Lol...Now seriously, falling like 7 feets should do damage, not make you explode

--- End quote ---

Yea.But in ZS.YOU EXPLODE when fall 7 feets.So its kind of getting annoying.

» Magic «:
mp_falldamage 20


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