Hey guys, since the system's been changed since i've last been online, i've decided to reapply.
I'm an 'original' RND member, and have been proudly displaying my RND tag for a year now.
And yes, thanks Don for the reference while I was creating this
Steam Username: bk871
Ingame Username:XTastic
RND Since:November 2009 (I am
NOT joking)
Times Online:I used to be a GMod addict, playing for 4 hours every single day at least... About 5 months ago I took a break from it. Recently, i've started playing again and discovered the system changed. I'm online for at least an hour or two every day.
Time Zone:PST (Canada)
Servers:Use to play on Build/Wire server & Occasionaly Prop Hunt.
Refrences:I've known
the one and only Moo since I originally became an RND member a year ago.
Maturity / RND History:I've never been a minge/abuser.
I am extremely patient, and do give users second chances when they piss me off.
I am extremely polite & respectful to those whom are respectful to me.
Games:Garry's Mod
Counterstrike [Rarely Play]
I use to know a few of the RND admins, but the only one that remembers me is Moo... Coolzeldad might, but I am not sure. Like I said, it's been a long time.
My Steam friends (RND) include:
Moo (Admin)
Coolzeldad (Admin)
Minic (No clue where he's gone... Last online 235 days ago.)
Thanks for considering me!